General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp guys srsly :(

Help guys srsly :( in General Discussion
DA 1

    How can u be back in ur best play if ur party don't wanna listen about items, decision making suggestions, and so on... Unfortunately, my party are my close friend, so any suggestions guys?

    PS : see my latest match that SS and Omni buy aether euls and SANGE YASHA instead of greaves glimmer or something that could save their lives and team. I'm so tilted

    Riguma Borusu

      2k MMR with 50% winrate

      you don't know better than your teammates, else you'd have 90% winrate in that shit bracket

      DA 1

        At least I know items that should be good against the enemy line up. And they don't even listen

        Riguma Borusu

          But what have you done to get them to listen to you?

          In this game, your build makes zero sense. What would you have said, if somebody told you to build better items?

          Or in this game, where you bought a dagon instead of an aghs? Where you got max level laser at level freaking 14? Where you had only 15k damage AS TINKER?

          I mean, you don't play well enough to be able to criticize others in your bracket, you have to really own the game and show people how it's done, then you get to tell people shit and control the game through communication as well.

          Not by being subpar yourself. In your last weaver game you probably think you did pretty well, but you got a 35 minute deso, which is fucking terrible. Your build looks ok on paper, but your item timings are completely off.

          Don't bitch about teammates who are just as bad as you. Instead, learn to play the game better, so that you get better teammates. It's no use whining about things you can't directly control, rather, just be a better player that can win DESPITE such teammates. Because your omni had a retard build and there's nothing you can do about that, but in a lot of games, you're going to have such people in the enemy team, and you probably won't whine when that happens.

          You gain MMR by winning games that you shouldn't win at your skill level, but you still win them because you're better than everyone else in that match. So far, you haven't proven to be better than people you play with/against. That tinker game you lost was a free win if you had ANY idea what you were doing, but you lost it because you are really bad both at the game and at the hero, and there's no going around that.

          TL;DR: Bad teammates are only a problem if you are as bad as they are. Otherwise, you'll rise if you're better. Get better, focus on yourself.

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          4pos pudge/grim only

            what do you mean by "back in ur best play" if you never been good at the first place. if you are tilted so much with your friends item build, then dont play party games. it is actually that easy to make that decision.


              complaining about ur friends over a video game in an online forum is a sign of unhealthy relationship with them son

              Riguma Borusu

                ^you can completely ignore that they are friends, since he's whining about his teammates

                But if your problem is that your friend won't listen, just don't fucking play with him, it's that easy. I had a friend who built radiance on Invoker, so we are not friends anymore.


                  Well, it really depends on which bracket you're playing. When I play in VHS bracket people usually listen to me but when I play in High or normal bracket which is about 2k-4k the people in there are pretty ignorant about their play style and item builds. There's nothing you can do about it though. If I can't communicate properly with my teammates or they can't talk to me like a normal person I just mute them and play my own game with my other teammates help, what Mladen is saying is true but don't think yourself as a trash player. People get tilted so easily. When people tilt thats when the enemy team starts winning. You just start losing your mind without even acknowledging it. So play by yourself and watch how people play. Don't try to blame somebody all the time that will make you lose more games. I try to calm my teammates all the time. I have made like 4-5 comebacks from horrible early and mid game on this account. We were calm we were not blaming each other for nothing. Thats how we won the games. So just be calm and play your game as perfect as possible. Don't seek any imperfection from your teammates. I blame myself all the time when I make mistakes and let my teammates die for nothing. I blame myself when I didn't have a sentry right when I needed. I never try to blame my teammates. Just try to be positive and let players do their own thing and if you can't win and you know it then just let it be.


                    People won't listen to a guy who's not doing good in the first place, even if what he's trying to say is right
                    You might know what items are the best for the situation, but remember, the people you point your finger at has similar MMR compared to you, you know what that means? They are better at other aspects at the game (a.k.a redeeming factor)
                    For example, Alice is good at the laning phase and punishing people in the early game, but dogshit at farming and at the late game

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                      Alice is good at the laning phase and punishing people in the early game

                      DA 1

                        OMG u guys so helping thanks guys, that reasonable and proven harsh said are acceptable too :D thanks !! More suggestions are welcome here :D I'm listening


                          @I feel bad
                          Well said


                            Are you saying Alice is dogshit in everything she does :(


                              nah i was just joking, but alice's np is atrocious though
                              @op, just focus on your own game, whenever i play with my irl friends, they make mistakes all the time, yet i dont blame nor flame them
                              since I know, I too have made mistakes, just keep a positive mental attitude

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                                Blaming and telling your friend something is wrong is a different thing, so try to introspect yourself, am I flaming, or criticizing? Yea some people are stubborn and egoistic, but why do you even bother playing with stubborn pricks that can't accept criticisms, let alone criticizing their gameplay


                                  Lul. Bws is so so at farming but bad At everything else.


                                    Block, blacklist and remove him/her from your friend list. Friends in 2016 LUL

                                    The Medic Guy

                                      for me, i blame with no hesitation with caps on.
                                      the good point is, they never take the flame seriously, and they learn a lesson, even i flame them seriously. lol feelsgoodman when you flame someone and they laugh.


                                        Just tell them you don't wanna play with them if they behave like retards


                                          just solo carry them, it's goddamn 2k mmr

                                          i'd win that with 1 hand only, and 1 hand down my pants


                                            True dont try to support 2k mmr. Learnt the hard way. Support omni dealing more damage than 3 carries:

                                            Just pick carry with pushing capability. if ur team picks 5 carry just afk and wait for next game.

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                                            Need to talk,remove your ...

                                              Play your own game, every game

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                                                I still have like 2.5x your MMR xd

                                                4pos pudge/grim only

                                                  ^^^ what the purpose of linking the match tbh. you indeed have the highest healing (i guess you misread it), but omni cant deal shit except for those purification splash and you go radiance + carry item build.

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                                                    Picking supports is fine
                                                    It's just harder to 1v9 as a support

                                                    4pos pudge/grim only

                                                      aww @centaurgrill you didnt know jacked. he may seem as a random ns guy on profile, but he is a true vhs player in the inside!


                                                        I had like 14 winstreak as support when I was 1k on my main, it's not that bad as long as you do your job correctly


                                                          I know Jacked
                                                          He's 3k flat max


                                                            Luuul saqil knows me well. Bws climb to 3k from 2k or you will forever be a 2k scrub in my eyes with so so farming ability kek


                                                              There's no way bws is 3k although he has maintained a respectable winrate in it. With his so so farming ability and bad at everything else play style


                                                                Linked the match bcuz it clearly shows.. u can heal and baby sit carries as much as as u want all day but people without game sense will die eventually(bad positioning, no map awareness picking wrong target in fights etc etc). Im not trying to say omni is a carry. With support items if he deals equivalent damage as a carry theres no point in the heals and the wards or the supporting.


                                                                  Please note that I have been fixing my overall gameplay for awhile


                                                                    The ironic thing is you rely on your farm way more than I do to win


                                                                      Here's my true story. I have really close friends. We play online a lot in many different games. Usually we got something on steam sales and play together for like 80+Co-op hours for a game. We also play(played) wow and dota 2 together. I really like them, they are great people but they just suck at dota 2. I enjoy talking with them and stuff; it's always fun to play with them but they are 1,4k mmr, 1,9kmmr, 2,6k mmr. They contribute to community by buying compendiums, battle passes, arcanas etc. So, they kinda don't give a shit about MMR and mostly playing for fun. It seems like they enjoy dota 2 but they ARE NOT WILLING TO LEARN how to play!!!

                                                                      I really like dota myself. Started to play in Warcraft 3. It's my go-to game. Last year when I was playing with them I had 3,4-3,8k solo for like 7 months. I wasn't improving and I figured out that it was them who had influence on me. I just wasn't trying to play hard enough to win the game. I was giving them some advice about item builds, wards, pulling etc. They kinda listened but in reality the execution of my advice was terrible. Examples : I asked to deward - they died, suggested glimmer cape - 40 min arcane boots and glimmer on supports. I was a bit triggered because I had to explain the same stuff again and again.

                                                                      So, I stopped playing with them since August or after TI. And now what? I'm improving! My mmr jumped from 3k skill bracket to almost 5k bracket in 2 months. I just figured out that if they don't want to learn how to play the game then I'm not going to play with them a lot. Sure, I play with them sometimes but its just normal matches.

                                                                      To sum up, my advice is just think about it and mb try to find another player for your party. Cause in reality you should have a player that you can count on but not the one who's pulling you down. And you should be sure that she/he understands the game well enough.

                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                        ^I feel you,same scenario here except one of my friend is 900mmr


                                                                          Who the hell plays party games to improve anyway
                                                                          Party games are made for fun and giggles come on

                                                                          The Medic Guy

                                                                            actually i play party mmr to improve.
                                                                            i play with 5k above to experience how 5k games are, and yes it improve me so much, instead play in 3k cancer game where everyone think they know everything, and spam ping, and spam auto text > we need wards, when the wards on shop still out of stock.