General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad to 2k

Road to 2k in General Discussion

    My current mmr is 1.4k. I will get 2k with only next 35-40 games wish me luck
    Current mmr: 1509
    Games:2win 0loss
    9 streak in rank

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      Braindead dog

        I don't know what to do... I finished my calibration as a supp. Now I have 719 MMR. Well played.


          Gl with that


            Fx pls I thought you were at least 2k
            Also GL


              Apoo grinded from 500 to 1000 in a month easily by spamming zeus, just spam your favourite hero, you'll learn which hero counters x hero, and notice your mistakes easier
              Just don't do retarded shits and you can reach the 4 digit club :)


                I fucked up in the calibration. When i caliberate i dont know anything about dota and just play. I got 1.3k mmr and i ashamed about it and play unrank for a very long time. I am surprised to see when i get back to my ranked though. Green page :)


                  I dropped 1.2 ofter calibration and had a winning streak till 1455.


                    I calibrated at 1200 lmao
                    1800 to 2000 is quite challenging and toxic but it's not that hard


                      1k is farm heaven
                      Abuse it while you still can


                        This game is like vs bot and with bot. Only i have farm and got ultra kill 2 times typical bot game


                          Lmao I got 10 min rampage on a bot game
                          You don't even have to outfarm them that hard, all you have to do is not to spin around like a headless chicken and know your hero's power spike

                          Riguma Borusu

                            I calibrated at 1.1k, just play.


                              You cant I calibrated at 1469 and took me 1 year to increase 1000 mmr


                                look at all the 1ks coming out to play


                                  the moment when you're in 1k and enemy starts to auto hit creep in the lane
                                  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ez match


                                    Some people learn faster than others, some people are more willing than others, some just doesn't give a fuck and keeps doing the same thing expecting a different result (not spamming heroes, but repeatedly clicking the find match button without even trying to improve his gameplay, expecting to climb up)

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                                      You can even join the autoclicking club and still win the game easily by not going full deathmatch mode like everyone in 1k does :P

                                      Cancer Malaria

                                        hye my fellow 1K brethren


                                          Good luck, have fun!




                                              Ill update my mmr and put the score too :). I think im like 2-3k playing in 1k. Coz these game is so easy

                                              The Medic Guy

                                                @It's Maisie
                                                wanna trade with my 3k account?


                                                  you dont seem to ever lose lol


                                                    Lol yeah luck