General Discussion

General Discussion3k question

3k question in General Discussion

    I thought I was 3k material. I felt my hidden mmr was 3k, and my first calibrating game also was 3.1k. then I calibrated 3.1k. But then I started playing like 5-year-old f*ggot. I make incompetent moves, I do stupid things, I cant weigh up my and enemies' potential. Every game enemy outsmarts me. It s*cks since I most play offlaner, and mostly Nyx. So I often end up running under their sentries and dying pitifully. Ofc, I did it on normal games too, but not so badly. What I want to ask is
    1) am I gonna decrease to 2.5 or even 2k or is there any chance that I can improve.
    2) If yes, what should I do to improve (besides learning to last-hit, I know I s*ck at that too.)

    The Medic Guy

      so, where is the other 2998 questions?

      edit: :thinking:

      edit 2: 1) just keep press the finding match button, and you will know the result
      2) why you censoring the word suck? is it suck? or sick?

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        Hmmmmm, really makes you think


          I didn't really read it but your Nyx thing you said sounds like you just need to pay attention more and have better awareness around the map/your lane/what you plan on doing with/without your teammates.


            Know where to last hit
            Know when to last hit

            1-IceTea 🌟

              When you learn how to last hit then you will know what's mean by gold advantage,you will only be able to do more things (more options for you) when you able to do more things with the gold advantage (split push,solo pick off ect.)then you start learn Dota.

              First step still is learn last hit u lazy bump


                i censored "suck" bec dotabuff kept saying i had bad language, but it turned out to be the "f*ggot"


                  u just need to pick meepo

                  basement :)

                    1. Yes. Your 3k mmr is definitely undeserved. 1–2k is the more accurate range.

                    2. Start by analysing your deaths. 10+ death average is simply excessive.


                      If you wanna get better go watch some guides. There are plenty on youtube. They do help and at least you get an idea how your hero is supposed to be played. Choose heroes try to master them. Longer you play on one hero better your micro skills and timings are getting. And dont be afraid to drop to 2,5k cuz you can always come back.


                        Maybe u r just having a bad day.


                          back when i was grinding mmr from 1k

                          i just forgot about my mmr, and i said

                          ''get good and mmr will come'' "mmr is just a reflection of your skill, the better you are; the higher chance to win"

                          so forget about that number and just get better

                          i used to just easily tank 500+ mmr drops so i can learn a new hero/role/thing

                          because i knew i'll lose if i don't play my best hero

                          but i also knew if i started picking my best hero i'll go back up to where i started dropping from

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                          basement :)

                            @Cookie You should just play normals for practice. I often get harder games in normals because the mmr disparity is greater. E.g. I get 5.7k players as a 4k player 40% of the time.

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                              no, that's a ridiculously bad idea

                              if there's nothing on the table, the human brain will under perform

                              so playing against a 6k player unranked is like playing against a 2k player ranked

                              you will under perform because you're playing a new hero and drop, yes

                              but your enemies will relatively still stay competent.

                              tldr: unranked is a waste of time


                                my strategy was> take new hero/role/thing to learn

                                drop a couple hundred, then rise back up with the old one so i can keep the difficulty level till i learn

                                4pos pudge/grim only

                                  ^ cookie's golden rules of memer: revealed 0_0


                                    @cookie what if you played a new hero in ranked and rises intead of drop. I played brood 5 times and won all of them. Played mk in ranked once and stomp them.


                                      Nothing, you just maybe naturally are good at that hero

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                                        @cookie the thing is, how do you get good? I mean what did you do to start improving. I have been watching a lot of pro replays and looking at my own but am just stuck in 2.5-2.9. Maybe i dont look at important stuff while watching my replays or maybe i cant see important things pro players do but I am hovering around the same range. Your thing about not looking at mmr is good though because i find it hard to remain calm when playing, thinking about my mmr. Also, did you climb from 1k to your actual mmr(not smurfing)? If you did do that what did you focus on improving in your climb?

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                                          The differecen between 2.5k and 3.1k is small. Just get out of your head you're not better than them and you'll be fine.

                                          Lester, Moe

                                            Not sure why you nyx players always seem to forget you can carapace while invis. Maybe that'll help you


                                              He focused on abusing enemy mistakes and efficient farming
                                              Which is, pretty much the easiest thing to abuse to increase mmr

                                              Badluck x 10⁻²⁴

                                                How to get that ember emote? :o

                                                cero miedo

                                                  in zwei kej ju jest neet to peek meed eend daaampsteer ur opponent eeend juuu wiiiin


                                                    3k games are actually awful


                                                      i know u can use carapice not breaking invis

                                                      basement :)

                                                        @Cookie Though, what does a ranked game risk over normals? The only difference is mmr. I can fully concentrate in normals if it is for practice. Otherwise, I just play casually.


                                                          in normal unranked

                                                          i have 70-90% winrate without trying, and it's tagged as 5-6k unrankeds

                                                          trust me, it has no skill level. unranked is traaaash

                                                          you're literally only making excuses because you're afraid of losing mmr

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                                                            playing in unraked against 5k-6k's feels like playing in ranked against fucking 3k's

                                                            basement :)

                                                              Australia has a lower player base, so high mmr players just play normals due to long queue times. Different regions, I suppose.