General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there any other good offlane/roam heroes this patch?

Is there any other good offlane/roam heroes this patch? in General Discussion

    Is there any other good offlane/roam heroes this patch?
    Slardar is gonna get boring to spam soon

    Vem Comigo

      Night Stalker best hero in the game right now, buy 1 ring of regen and dive t3


        offlane - underlord, batrider
        roam - pudge, mb bh


          actually nvm idk what works in ur bracket, literally 0 clue

          Rektdalf the White

            Spam riki -> profit.


              If you have a mid that will communicate, then pick heroes like bat or clock that can initiate and help him get kills, that's what works best in 2k from my experience, cause then you can get your team to group as 5 and push towers, while their first time spectre picker is missing half his last hits on his way to a 30 min power treads vanguard drums


                offllane - windranger
                roam - windranger


                  off - cent
                  roam - sb