General Discussion


GYRO NEW BUILD 100% GUARANTEE WIN in General Discussion

    u go slipper slipper tango salve clarity/faerie fire, then u buy pms drops stick phase boots INTO MOTHER FLIPPING AGHS RUSH WOOOH! then u can go hurricane pike or bkb or maelstorm depending on the tempo.

    BSJ. LGD

      CHECK OUR THIS AMAZING PATHING BY VOLVO i right clicked on the serpent wards btw

      and this foking ta piked up the hill to farm ancients when we had vision on 4 of their heroes on that hill ward just 10 seconds ago no joke and then he cries we have no vision good stuff

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      Cheap Laugh Guy


        Cheap Laugh Guy

          What kind of skill build though?


            2017 01 21 17 01


              lul memecopter


                wow. just 1 win and u got the revelation

                BSJ. LGD

                  this hero can 1v5 in 4k bracket rofl


                    alice tried aghs mael too. but we lost


                      yeah well but its not the hero/build's fault. i just really, like totally suck with heroes/roles that i dont play


                        Is this new aghanim? Before it was global ulti, now i read it as some sort of side gunner??


                          Gyro in 2017.


                            Is it actually good tho? Or just some meme

                            i have 5 reports to use

                              It's legit


                                Tbh I don't think it's good tho

                                i have 5 reports to use

                                  It's because the side gunner animation is almost invisible and u don't get to see the damage values that pop out

                                  BSJ. LGD

                                    hey guys my meme build gyro beats the traditional hotd dlance sny gyro in a man fight by 300 hp


                                      Normal gyro has 41% wr lololol

                                      Honestly i think this is a really grewt build for an otherwise bad hero

                                      My friend tried it in our game earlier and he still had respectable damage


                                        The problem with gyro is that he farms slow. Since flak is shit at taking ancients, there are a shitton of magic resist creeps that slow down rocket barrage farming, and flak cannon cd is forever. The aghs maelstrom build does solve that, but if you lose before you can farm a maelstrom and a 4200 gold item then its worthless. Still better than regular gyro. Kappa the best gyro is veil bkb eblade blink maelstrom aghs mjollnir. Think if they made gyro's 6% spell amp at lvl 10 less feeble compared to embers fucking 15% it has viability. Maybe as lategame luxury you get shivas or octarine or refresher. Maybe a radiance.

                                        Saki Saki

                                          Armlet for gyro :D