wow smurfing to 4k is good , i tried smurfing too , i got tto some high skills even with a terrible kda , so im not sure how the system works either
well apparently you are losing normal skill matches, so you dont deserve vhs at all.
stop being a gameruiner at 4k and start grinding from 3k
Add your main id too if u want this ppl to blv u and what if players finding games in dubai are not vhskilled players :-P try again in eu
@raptured Well apparently, you didn't bother to see the games so I'll let you know the only NS games I lost are the ones where my Team abandoned and even then I managed to keep my KDA above average. Don't assume that I'm a gameruiner when you've never even seen me play. Being 5k doesn't make you any superior to shittalk someone 1k below you.
If you don't have an answer, don't bother shit-talking. You're not a judge of who deserves what, get it?
Infact with that absurd logic, your last 2 slardar matches are also at 3.8k average. You lost both of them despite being 5k. You don't deserve your MMR too. Don't buy accounts kid. Spend that money on college, educate yourself and get a life!
@Today u'll reborn What MMR I belong to, what I am, how I play and what I deserve is completely irrelevant. I don't have to prove to anyone that I'm actually a 4.3k player on main. My question is simply why the second account isn't in VHS as fast as the first one even with better games. If these dumb***** can't even comprehend such a simple question without passing derogatory comments to feel better about their own pathetic selves, I don't expect them to know anything better. The question isn't even about me or my skill. It's about the accounts and the Skill brackets. But whatever.
Your first 9 games on your 4k smurf aren't in vhs. Play more games on your current smurf to reach vhs.
@Today u'll reborn Sorry if it sounded rude. The guy above you just assuming and judging with such absurd logic just triggered me. My reply was also aimed at him and not you.
the system is weird i won like 6 games in a row on vhs check my profile and my last game im in high skill... wtf?
you can't effectively gain mmr with jungle
you have to understand, when you go jungle you're making your lanes weaker and losing them just by not being there.
so either you have to be REALLY good at compensating for the losses you make or you have to be active during the jungling phase.
or best of all, learn to lane!
another thing that i see is that you struggle in any bracket because you feed too much
seriously, don't die that much.
@Cookie I've played Jungle in half the total matches on this account. (6) I completely understand the risk I'm placing my lanes at by going Jungle. I always improvise and go for early items and start roaming to help if lanes are falling, or get my core item pretty fast and help out in lanes. I don't go afk jungle. I know how to lane, that was a bit rude. I just prefer to jungle on smurfs because usually it allows me more secure farm + People insta mark mid or safe in new accounts (since I do get matched with other smurfers) and carry is pretty much all I play. I don't have other lanes.
I'm not really sure how you're deducing I feed too much. I have like 3.75 deaths on average per match with 11 Kills and assists each. I don't know how that's feeding. The most I died was in my last game as Axe and that was 8 deaths. If you're saying that from the matches from my other account, most of them are in Unranked matches with my friends where I'm not playing seriously. The Ranked deaths are only when the game's ending (3 sides rax- onto ancient or T4's. Last moments) and I just go all Yolo with everything I have repeatedly. But my question is only for this account.
i deducted that from your ranked matches in your 4k acc. unranked means nothing, i have usually 70-90% winrate in unranked, any bracket.
anyways, if you're gonna make excuses instead of asking for help, ex. 'yolo i already won' , then there's no point in helping you as you clearly dont want it.
@Cookie I meant I go yolo when we're losing, giving it my all, not when I'm winning. I purposely play casually in unranked because it's with my friends only (All my unranked are with friends) and we just have fun then. I'm not making any excuses. I merely asked a question as to why this account isn't getting into VHS while the other one did. I don't get why you're getting offended at that.
i'm not, everyone is giving you examples/criticism and you lash out at everyone for it. that criticism is the reason you're not in VHS.
all i did is that i've given you the exact reasons you're not in VHS in this account.
you make excuses, you don't play to win, you play bad.
your question has been answered multiple times in this post, if you're gonna comment again; try not to make another excuse
Bru, can I just ask, what's the flaw in the matches I've played on THIS account compared to THAT?
That's literally all I'm asking. Am I feeding here? KDA not good enough? Anything at all, but everything I played on THIS account, has been better than the other. That's literally ALL I'm asking.
I'm bad, trash, I feed. Okay. But I didn't do that ON THIS ACCOUNT.
i already said it: ''you don't play to win''
don't believe me again? check your own tower damage, all you do is run around trying to kill people
running around aimlessly isn't playing to win, even if you get 10000 kills.
from all the games you've played on this account, keeping in mind that you're playing against unranked morons which i'd trash beyond belief, in only 2 games you had some reasonable tower damage.
in the rest, it's like you never seen a tower in your life.
given such a low bracket, even in VHS unranked, i'd have at least 5k tower damage every game given that i play right-clickers like you.
obviously the algorithm sees your skill as similar to the average to that match, and it keeps you in that bracket.
aka your stats are the same as your teammates/opponents even if you're 1-3k mmr above them, which should never happen.
if your team is fighting you have two options
1: push a lane to tower and take the tower
2: join your team if you can win the fight
if their team has multiple key heroes dead past the laning phase you have 2 options
1: take roshan by telling your team to take roshan
2: push towers
this is super simplified because you are like a little baby dota player. good farming past the laning phase is a product of jungling and shoving lanes at the same time, generating space by threatening towers and not dying
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So I'm an early 4k player (4.3k-ish) and I have previously smurfed to 4k -->
I got into VHS pretty fast with 2-3 matches and never got out of it till the end.
I made another smurf recently, which is this same account. -->
I've been playing alot better than I did on the last smurf, atleast in the first few games. My score is always way above my Team. My GPM / XPM has been constantly 600+, Hero damage has been the highest mostly, and my game impact has also been great. In short, everything has been alot better than what I did on the last smurf. Yet, I only got into VHS once where I lost with somewhat a not good KDA 1.5 or something, but even in which, all my statistics were still way above my Team's. I've been kinda alternating between HS and Normal after that and this is proper bothering me. Why am I not getting into VHS as easily as I did on my last smurf?
The only difference I can think of between the 2 accounts is, I played almost all the games in EU West on the 4k smurf, while I played almost all the games on Dubai server on this account. (Dubai does have alot fewer players than other servers and I do have to wait a bit, but I tried switching to EU West for 1-2 games as well and the skill bracket was still the same)
PS Please don't judge for smurfing. I like doing it to see my limits, how far I can get, not to stomp beginners to feel good.
Any help, Ideas, answers or suggestions are appreciated.
EDIT : Just to make it clear again, my question is only why the two accounts are treated at different skill levels despite this one being better w.r.t stats. Comment only if you actually know about how skill brackets work.