General Discussion

General DiscussionNoob questions

Noob questions in General Discussion

    Should I continue to practice meepo or I should continue to spam invoker and sf every game which one are better?.


      invoker is worth spamming


        Play the one you enjoy most
        SF and invoker are easier to master but it's up to you


          meepo is very easy to counter and people like to focus him much more than invoker/sf


            play whatever hero you enjoy

            but you have to understand the difference between skill floorskill ceiling and effectiveness

            skill floor/ceiling is the skill required to learn/master a hero, high skill floor heroes are invoker/meepo

            effectiveness means how useful that hero is for the time spent practicing it in the current meta.

            meaning an invoker/meepo might be hard to learn, and hard to master. but chen/np are hard to learn and master, but very low effectiveness in current meta.

            so if you're playing meepo/invoker/sf because you enjoy playing them, then keep playing them.

            all 3 of your heroes are good midlaners in the current meta.

            but if you play them because you think you'll gain mmr, i'll just say that you can be way more effective by playing something simple like the 1 button king- wraith king BUT learning the rest of the game. and you can increase mmr faster.

            @The Rider a good meepo player is not easy to counter AT ALL

            back when i used to play meepo(keep in mind i was a mediocre meepo) i can instapick meepo and have all enemy team counter me and i'd still shit stomp them.

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            Cheap Laugh Guy

              You pick Invoker and SF
              I've seen enough Meepo lords owning games at early just to feed chunks of gold later because they feel invincible, no map awareness and give me easy comebacks all the time

              Lord Somerset

                "i can instapick meepo and have all enemy team counter me and i'd still shit stomp them." Do you realize what a twat you sound like? Hate this kid


                  but are the effectively playing against you even if they counter pick?? if not, then a good player can.

                  Lord Somerset

                    In English please


                      Well Cookie is an asshole everyone knows that
                      But he has contributed A LOT to the community ever since he came here