General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get really low mmr at calibration games?

How to get really low mmr at calibration games? in General Discussion

    i try to feed all my calibration games really hard to get lowest mmr possible but the average mmr is stuck at 4,5 k mmr. first game was 5,6 k average. second 5k and the other 4 were 4,5 -4,6 k.

    anyone know how to get 1k mmr accounts?

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      I'm 12 and autistic I only play jungle because i can't play with other people in lane. kys

      doc joferlyn simp

        ^Licetea smurf account??

        Stray Ruffians

          play on low MMR bracket


            whats wrong with jungling?


              dude maybe u fed a bit too much and they detected an anomaly.

              i lost more than 1k mmr points from playing poorly. so it is definitely possible to calibrate lower. but not that much lower

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                I tried to same without success, so i simply traded 4k acc for 1k.


                  anyone wanna trade my smurf for 1k account? the lower the better