General Discussion

General Discussionhow many matches does an avg player take to grind 500mmr ?

how many matches does an avg player take to grind 500mmr ? in General Discussion
Player 404335202

    Or whats the ideal no . of matches shud be to gain 500 mmr ? I m just thinking i m improving slower !
    Please dont comment on this smurf .. I come here only when i dont want serious games
    ( 3 win 2 lose always in ranked sad )

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      20 matches are ideal

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Took me about 300+-
        and don't thank me I am glad to be able to help,, I am just a natural kind hearted man :happy:

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        Player 404335202

          @muted offlane^Thats for u ... As u are of way higher mmr than me u ll get 4 k from 3.5 in 20-25 games ! But i ve been playing ranked and in last 28 games i ve gained only 125 mmr

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          Player 404335202

            Ahh so every one takes large amout of games to get +500 mmr from whwre they belong or what ?@1iceTea


              +60% winrate (which is rare on any skill bracket)

              out of 100 games you win 60 and loose 40

              60x25=1500 mmr
              40x25=1000 mmr

              so yeah i would say for most players it will take around 200-300 games

              fear is the mind killer

                ^wrong, maths failed you xd

                if you win 60 and lose 40, you will have your +500 with 100 games


                  Pretty sure it took me less than 100 games to go 3200->3800.

                  I played ~600 ranked (party+solo) matches during the span of 12 months.

                  My solo MMR grew by 2000 points over that time, so by grossly assuming that I've played 100-150, lets say 125 party out of these 600, it took me about 475 games to get +2000 points.

                  So on average I'd need 119 matches for 500 points.

                  This is just the average value, in reality this was variable and for some ranges I'd play 90 matches for +500.

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                    i took 6 month of 98 games for 400


                      i caibrated this at 4120 mmr and now 4590
                      470 mmr over 75 ranked games and i feel good about it tbh


                        the very average winrate of an actually active player on his main account, if constantly playing ranked and not being an outstanding tard/genius, neither spending time on side activities like replay analysis-guides-etc., is 51%.
                        that means that in 100 games u get +50 mmr (lul)
                        1k games then


                          I think it also depends on rating.

                          I bet getting 500 pts at 5500-6000 is much much more harder than getting 500 pts at 3000-3500.

                          This makes this model even more complex.

                          casual gamer

                            it took me 4 years to raise 2200 mmr lul lul lul

                            thats not completely true as i stopped playing for 2 times about 20 months in total

                            Player 404335202

                              Ahh the destination is way too long then xD

                              Ghastly Wail

                                I calibrated 2,1k.
                                After 359 ranked games i dropped to 1,9k.

                                So all i can say is, if you want to raise your mmr dont play support ... -_-

                                Ghastly Wail

                                  ^^ 5 most played Heroes are Core.
                                  So you count yourself as a core fangay? :D


                                    @JDF8 that was like when WWs ulti was actually OP? xD

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                                      More like don't play crap supports.

                                      I am sure, you can win quite frequently by non-stop Omniknight/Treant spam.

                                      casual gamer

                                        iirc it was after it got changed but i think shes really good now

                                        ppl were picking void every game and shes good against him


                                          Yeah I was wrong, it was after, just checked. In the Void meta, ye I remember spamming him, tho nobody countered me with WW :D

                                          I like to play her too, one of big impact supports!

                                          Player 404335202

                                            See u guys after 2k games then xD

                                            casual gamer

                                              well then i will be 8k kappa


                                                Change ur attitude and grind it out. Don't try to play as many games as possible in one day, take it step by step dnt think about future games and 100 percent focus on each game at a time.


                                                  Around 30 games to me. If im tryharding ofc