General Discussion

General DiscussionSomeone said that.........

Someone said that......... in General Discussion

    Someone said that Getting high kills and keeping deaths low will fetch you high skill , as a core. Am I doing it wrong?


      Its abt winning, which is done by destroying the enemy ancient
      - cuki


        Playing like a high skill player will get you to high skill


          Look at my games? They are decent for hs, according to me.

          XD PERU XD

            you should play solo like me man and just using 1 hero for first matches just watch my last game so u will know what im talking about


              Ya I'm talking about solo , like last game. Well I try to limit myself with 1 hero

              XD PERU XD
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                  have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

                  edit: no joke, the more efficient and faster you are at destroying the enemy ancient consistently the faster your rank goes up


                    Not many of them are absolute destruction where a real HS/VHS player will do alot of times in normal skill


                      Are you telling me if you win every 30 minutes you can gain twice mmr than other people if you have 100% winrate? WOW AMAZING SUPER SECRET TRICK OMG


                        only unranked

                        XD PERU XD

                          yeah what i mean is that playing mm solo is more precise, also you need to improve your average kda much more it is on 3.04 atm you need atleast 3.5 or more kda to get high - very high skill thought gl m8 :D you seem like a great future player (ofcs if you are not smurfing like me xD).


                            Kda matters for smurfs with few games played or calibration. As u play more games this matters less and less


                              Smurfing and playing unranked games while getting paired with other smurfs is a great way to develop brain cancer


                                nob is nob even in africa


                                  ye kda matters more than winning i feel. i would die for my team if we could trade 1 for 5, we win everything, but my gpm and kda suffer so i stay normal skill. :4head:

                                  anyway i abandoned this account, its easier to just climb my main than to make new smurf if i can win everything like i do here.

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                                  XD PERU XD

                                    i think we lost the point, what izaya means is if having a good kda makes you a high skilled player? well, i think so, yes, i have never seen a pro player with low kda ratio, you are not doing it wrong as a core but you need to improve a little bit more your kda if you want to play this " high and very high skill " games on dotabuff which are usually "high mmr" games...

                                    am i answering your question properly? or i just dont know what are u talking about definitely?

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                                      Oh thank you guys.
                                      Well I used to play other moba games like Warcraft 3 and this my first Dota 2 account .


                                        Calibrate as soon as you can play ranked games
                                        Pub games are cancerous and you'll improve faster playing mmr


                                          but only calibrate if you are confident you know the basics of the game such as farming, when to fight and when not to, etc. if you calibrate without basic knowledge you will be 1-3k.

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                                            YAa got high skill now
                                            Thank you for your help

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                                              Well guys my friend , same as me started playing WC3 and smite , started Dota 2 and this is his profile -
                                              Will he get a higher bracket then me? :(

                                              XD PERU XD

                                                if he keeps doing like that in future games probably

                                                edit : same goes to you...

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                                                  Oh thanks! XD I guess I can do better than him as I taught him wc3