General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp on Nature's Prophet

Help on Nature's Prophet in General Discussion

    Can anyone give me advice on the best way play NP? I have just started practicing NP but I can't decide whether it is best to jungle or go offlane.


      Offlane for some chance of winning
      Jungle for super little chance of winning

      Super Senko-san Time

        Don't pick him

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Don't buy Maelstrom, serious note


            Wtf 4 min midas


              best way to play it is repick still


                Take him offlane for sure, if you aren't fantastic with micro just run your treants at squishy supports and be annoying in lane. Buildwise he's pretty versatile. I usually go Phase into Maelstrom, its an old build but with an advantage you hit like a truck.

                Don't listen to these memers, play what you want to play.


                  I play him on jungle with the item buid compose of phase,buckler,domi,necro and deso... So yeah

                  This comment was edited

                    Jungle still works semi-ok in unranked vhs matchmaking. You have the oppurtunity to gank any lane at any time by tping, so use it


                      Just try to gank as much as possible and dnt be the 'AFK Jungler'. Try to help your teammates win their lanes by maybe making one or two ganks. Kill the enemy courier too.


                        Anything can work in unranked games


                          NP himself needs help lul this hero is so garbo xD