Are you aiming towards improving overall as a player? Or just be really good at a certain role (safelane support as opposed to aggressive support, early push hard carry or hit creeps to win carry, pos 1 midlaner or pos 2 midlaner?).
improving overall.
I certainly need to improve an every hero and playstyle that isnt pos 4 and 5 since i played almost all games as these positions.
I'm definetly staying out of the midlane for a while and will get a proper grasp of safelane carry/ wk jungle first (since i already have a proper understanding of what my supp should and can do)
I think you need to flow with the meta for now. Play your most comfortable heroes as mentioned above, and when you think you are decent (ie because of your game impact game is won) switch to the more niche roles you want, like after CK and Huskar playstyle (both very strong midgame fighters like how the meta demands) go practice heroes that need more farm to be effective, such as Medusa/Spectre. Off-meta, more situational. This will sharpen your carry skills and allow you to accurately identify win conditions as ANY carry, ANY game.
tldr Practice with baby steps.
Bws winning in 3k as carry while I struggle in 2k, still lost mid. smh
Carry is easier than mid tho
Although 2k mid is basically a 2nd carry and you're usually put up against miracle wannabes
yeah i dont remember having lost a single mid lane. whats denying? calling ss? I'm miracle I just farm lane when enemy mid player ganks safelane, who needs TP
Lookie here I'm playing magnus, did well in the laning phase while my juggerbaut got shat on the laning phase
I'll just flame him and keep using empower on myself so I can brag about myself getting high gpm
You rely on snowball too much. As for that Your carry hero dont really provides any snowballing. I recommend playing ember because he is a very good snowballing hero and mid skills is pretty important. After that try playing hero like jugg or luna to maintain your safelane skill and your map awareness on where to farm when to farm and so on. Then you can start playing late game hero like am for you to know how to split push and longen the game for you to come online.
Tdlr try other playstyle of carry
Wait, AM treads is still a thing? I thought the meta is about rushing VG without boots into brown boots BF manta abyssal MKB
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I want to narrow down my hero pool, play less randomn stuff with my friend so that i can improve faster.
can you check the heros i plan to play and tell me if you think its good? Basically tell me if I'm lacking counterpicks in lanes or if all my heros for a lane get countered by the same thing. thanks
Treant (safe)
Silencer (safe/off)(only counterpick)
Ancient Apparition (safe)
Carry safe:
Chaos knight
Enigma (supp)
Wraith King
Slardar (only if I have to)
Riki (supp/transition late game carry)
I think thats quite a stable hero pool.
Only thing is if I have to play safe carry and enemy picks axe I'm kind of screwed.
(thinking about adding enchant jungle)
Any tips are welcome and apprecieated!