General Discussion

General Discussion5k mmr grind, Too hard :((

5k mmr grind, Too hard :(( in General Discussion
    My main account, And this is shit i cant get out to 4.7 im still waving into win loss parody of sea. Classic!
    Any advice man!


      Grinding only works when you have improved. In fact, the word itself implies (to me at least) that you get something already in range very slowly by repeating an action. You can't do that when it's not in your range.
      Improve at the game to actually start grinding and not play a huge amount of games randomly.


        Thanks man! I am repeatedly gettin unto all of my mistakes into the game. So i will learn from it. My main, gettin close to 4k games. I will really try to get better. That account is from, 3k flat mmr btw. It is a long journey. I did just have one more problem. I fully have map awareness cause i played invoker a lot and sunstrike necessities. How can i improve clash awareness, i mean you can definitely keep an eye for every heroes around you. The problem is when it is clash, i barely focus on one or maybe two to three heroes. Thats what i observe, when i watch my own replays . Tho, its not fogged, or in blind spot i dont notice them. Is watching streams can teach me?

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          Just try to have a plan in mind for teamfights on who is the main target and why and everything else will come with experience.
          I think you can improve your tunnel vision by playing Overthrow and trying to have an oversight as well.


            ^Affirmative rapture-sama thanks!

            casual gamer

              try 6k grind x_x


                grind ursa, ez