General Discussion

General DiscussionMmr skill bracket division

Mmr skill bracket division in General Discussion

    Anyone knows the mmr skill bracket statistics, like what's the percentage of 1-2k and so on..

    1-IceTea 🌟
      Don't thank me I am always here to help



        very rough
        3-3.2k - normal skill bracket - 75%
        3.2-3.7k - high skill bracket - 15%
        3.7k+ - very high skill bracket - 10%
        *those are percentiles of matches, not players; ppl at higher mmr play way more often.

        regarding the player's percentile: 4.2k is higher than 98-99% of playerbase. i dont remember the other points, but u can google it. the stats are old but still relevant.


          Thanks, it helped a lot 😂