General Discussion

General DiscussionPros APM

Pros APM in General Discussion

    watching pros matches on Opendota i see pros have same apm like for example 4k mathes

    Carrys have 150 -200 while suports usually have 300

    So lets sum up

    APM is not skill indicator
    And opendota is better than this shit dotabuff who only give me right to flame NS shits


      quit dotabuff thanks bye


        how do you have so low apm?

        maybe it's just my bad habit but i can't play without constantly pressing 1 to center camera on the hero and keep rightclicking around the place


          what would be an indicator of skill, I think, would be apm of camera moves (ignoring arim spamming 1 to centre camera) apm means jack especially if you have auto-right-click enabled.


            sumail has like 140 iirc


              @ arin i have low apm but im pro and i rekt midd and im imba player

              Ghastly Wail

                Well you act like a 12 year old kid.
                Why not play with your Main?
                Is your Main 1k and you are ashamed to play with it? Or why you write/play with smurf?


                  i said this 1000 times and i'll say it for the 1001st time:

                  dota is a slow game


                    in wc3 ladder or starcraft apm matters a lot

                    here a player can have 200-250 apm and you cant really notice if hes fast or not
                    not talking about braindead sleeping retards.. talking about decent react speed players
                    mechanics dont allow you to really get advantage of ur 300+ apm if u have one in dota2