General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get a good start with Enigma jungle?

How to get a good start with Enigma jungle? in General Discussion
More Cowbell

    I'm wanting to play enigma but I been failing pretty hard. The jungle start would seem simple with the eidolons, but they die off pretty quick, and on larger camps I'm usually taking some damage before they are all dead in the first few levels.. To stay up, I'm usually out of mana potions and have to catch a fountain or base. (usually just catch a fountain), It doesn't take long before I'm at least a few levels behind and am basically pointless until its too late. I get stunned non stop trying to use my ult and it always seems to fail miserably. I think my itemization is terrible, I've tried to follow the guides. I normally rush a soul ring but this doesn't help my damage output and enigma puts out very little damage until later or fed. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Or links.


      If you can deny the mid's ranged creeps with eidolons, do so. Micro the one that gets low away from the rest until it splits off. U should be higher level than most and as soon as you get 6 gank the lane of the player that will have most game impact(usually mid). Then once you have your mek/greaves start pushing down towers with team. Most people see him as a teamfight monster and nothing else, while he is insanely strong with pulse/black hole, using eidolons plus your teams auras to push early on with the constant threat of a blink black hole should get you all the tier 2s by min 15/20

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        It depends on the game, if you're facing heavy disables go for a bkb after blink and mek, if they have silences go for the greaves before going for the bkb, or go for linkens if they have targeted disables. There are some games where your team is absolute horseshit, so you can maybe go for a fast blinks aghs and catch out 2/3 heroes and they should be dead.

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            I personally have only a few games on enigma, so I'm just saying what works for others and what I witnessed from pro games so not sure how relevant my info is

            More Cowbell

              I'm failing at getting a lot of gold early and I obviously become very pointless mid game with little items and being behind.. maybe I'll just watch some videos... if anyone has a link or something they think is worth I'll check it out, otherwise I'll use the search function. lol.


              Ghastly Wail

                Do what kr wrote.

                Watch replays or whatever.

                You'll definitly learn faster/easier if you see it instead of reading how to.


                  If you have a fellow support, you get Ring of Bassilus and 2 Clarity that'd be sufficient enough for jungle and there are varieties of jungle enigma; Semi-roam which is 2-2-1 and Jungling while stacking for yourself 1-2-2 you don't really need first skill if you just focus on jungling so just stack and use 3rd and eidolons to get the stack. Why Ring of Bassilus and 2 clarity? Welp... Bassilus can be disassembled into Ring of Protection and Sage's Mask which later on you can use them to make Soul Ring and Tranquil boot while 2 clarity secures your mana till you get a Soul Ring and Tranquil Boots. A no early dagger build would be nice if they have too much dagger type stuns a Mekansm and Glimmer Cape is nice in that situation. P.S NoRussian is right too (and i'm a scrub)


                    OP you shouldn't be so far behind. Nigma is one of the fastest junglers so you shouldn't be too far behind. Just watch some youtube videos. You'll get it.


                      I kept thinking "hey ima just practice enigma" and forgets it everytime I play