General Discussion

General Discussionare these offlaners viabul

are these offlaners viabul in General Discussion

    offlane wr, offlane puck, offlane monkeh


      if not can u list the mobile offlane heros


        mk's not as bad as the other two, still awful

        slardar for the mobility, i guess

        Ghastly Wail

          Much Viabul Very Stronk


            I'd say Timber or Offlane Weaver for mobility.


              Spirit breaker is pretty mobile with his increased movement speed. Its not much but it kind of lets you go in for last hits safely, and with charge of darkness you can escape if youre ganked.


                Sand King, slardar, weaver and nyx come to mind for easy lane+high game impact


                  mk off is nice
                  if u cant do shit just jump on tree get exp wait chance if supots leave lane try kill anyone

                  Small Song

                    Lich. Always lich. Lich mid, lich safe, lich off. Also, lich is boring.


                      no they aren't


                        Fiery dragon seems to be good at offlane. Mk can do fine but warlock will get shit on.
                        Timbersaw or weaver or sand king or try bane element offlane , you just sleep the carry and brainsap him from far and his attack DMG reduction will also work for you as the carry will have a hard time lasthitting while the debuff is on him.