General Discussion

General DiscussionAlacrity+brewmaster

Alacrity+brewmaster in General Discussion

    You 4 shot a rax with earthling, is this the next pub cancer?


      No one can play brewmaster


        anyone can play brewmaster


          Not pub cancer but holy shit how fast these buildings drop

          i commend

            I can play brewmaster

            i commend

              You can play brewmaster

              i commend

                We can play brewmaster


                  300%demolish is no joke

                  Ryan Gosling Fan

                    Earth Element got 300% demolish?

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Ye, sounds crazy, Tiny carry is officially dead

                      Small Song

                        I'm with fame. Earth element has demolish? Is that new?


                          How does demolish work


                            300% bonus dmg on buildings


                              alacrity + demolish 4 sec t1 down

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                                Does it work on your mom?

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Demolish must include all dmg then not just base dmg? So max dmg alacrity is 100, level 3 earth bear is 90 average dmg, 570 dmg a hit, 15 armor on a melee rax means you only do 52.6% of the dmg, so ~300 a hit, but structure armor also only takes 50% dmg from heroes. I'm assuming earth spirit dmg is calculated as hero, so you'd do 150 a hit. 10 hits to down melee rax at full 1500 hp.

                                  Earth spirit bat is 1.35, 0.74 attacks a second, but with max alacrity he'd get 100 IAS doubling his attacks per second to 1.48. It would thus take 6.75 seconds for earth spirit to solo the melee rax.

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                                  casual gamer

                                    brew hit t3 with deso once then ults :thinking:


                                      While team has AC?

                                      casual gamer

                                        and dominator with clap creep


                                          Brew could have the AC (which he prob builds anyway) since he keeps his aura when ulted


                                            So u ulti to just destroy a tower?



                                              So now u build carry brew with deso and silver edge and ac for one shotting supports out of invis and raping raxes with alacrity? SeemsGood

                                              disgusting weebs