General Discussion

General Discussion3K Bracket

3K Bracket in General Discussion

    Okay, for real, back when ranked came out and I calibrated I'm sure that people were not THAT dumb! Ever since I decided to go back to ranked (roughly around the release of 7.00) I swear that either the MMR is extremely inflated or 3K has just filled with people who have close to zero idea how to play the game.

    I've dropped around 600 MMR since I started playing and I know that I'm not the best player out there, nor am I pretending to be, but there are seriously some dumb mothercensored out there.

    How do you guys even play in 3 and sub-3k MMR, seriously, pretty much every game is annoyance watching the team


      How do you play in 3k and sub 3k MMR?

      ~Suck less
      ~Blame no team-mates
      ~Pick acording to team unless you belive you can 1v9 sometimes with a specific hero
      ~ Game is not over until the throne falls
      ~ Learn to play from behind


        and since most people are complaining about 3k, i might try to raise my 2k smurf to 4k just to see if there is a 3k trench


          3500 is the new trench
          But that can be solved, big deal, you get 4 retards, the enemy team could probably filled with 5 retards
          If you deserve better you'll win more than you lose
          You don't get 4 lvl 20s in your team every game


            I do try to pick according to the team, whether pushers, supports, roamers or disablers are needed, yea, okay, I do have my bad games when I kept getting caught out of position but I can guarantee that in over 50% of the games I play solo there's that someone who would pick a selfish pick, go with stupid build or flame teammates 3 minutes into the game which just starts a whole flame battle between the team members.

            Example games of that would be the following:

   - Went for roaming mirana since underlord wanted offlane and spectre/AA locked safe lane, managed to get a couple of early arrows in getting some kills for the spectre, however for some reason he kept insisting on trying for hard kills which eventually slowed down his farm, not to mention that AA completely refused to support since he wanted to rush Euls and then Aghs;

   - jungle bloodseeker who believed he's a god, that's about as the best description I can give you;

   - Magnus who stayed mid lane until he got blink even though we were facing a very hard lane top and on couple of occasions he could have gotten at least a double kill, oh and two carries bot lane?!

   - jungle veno instead of rotating into lane and helping us against treant and lina;

   - last pick WK even though we had a solo offlane arc who was obviously going to get rekt and the WK still kept flaming him

            I can make a difference between games in which we get outdrafted and outplayed but every second or third games is plainly full of a mistake after a mistake


              # Game 1

              You had no impact, your gpm/xpm is literally LOW. To borrow a phrase from Cookie - what did you do the whole game?

              Your aghs came way too late. You're just not playing good enough, that'll answer your question.

              # Game 2

              First, stop blaming others, and stop being delusional. Don't be a victim of the Dunning Krugger.

              Your farm was awful, your hero DMG is awful, your item timings are shit, that BS at least had higher HD than you.

              Once again, your hero damage is shit, your farm is shit, your impact overall is SHIT, since you didn't splitpush, you didn't deal ANY damage (50 min 12k hd, wtf?)

              # Game 3

              Dude, stop blaming others, for fucks sake. You played terribly, again. 26 BF as Jugg? Died 11 times? 141 CS with BF for @ 40 min? 12k HD? Are you delusional or just really arrogant here? That Magnus, once again, had BETTER impact than you.

              You were the weak link here, honestly.

              # Game 4 Nothing to say, just get good, for real. I said everything I wanted above.

              # Game 5 You just suck, you are where you are for a good reason. Trust me.

              Here's the games I lost:




              Despite having every game the higest impact/farm, I lost it because I played it BAD. I accepted that and I didn't blame anyone.

              Once you manage to realise you pretty much suck, you will get better.

              Till then, keep blaming others, but it's funny as fuck that you don't see what I see, because, objectivly, you are the reason why you lost at least 3 out of 5 games you showed us.


                Hi vertoxicity. Can u give ur cool analysis for my last 5 games before my IP games please?

                white boy summer

                  i win more than i lose in 3k but it's cancer seriously, last game we had to babysit a jungling axe when we already had picked 2 supports and he didnt even go blink first, before that a guy firstpicked sniper mid and said that pa is broken (he was killed like 5 times) and feeding on purpose is popular here

                  Player 404335202

                    ^vertoxicity ? Lul xD


                      I support and try to enable my cores to win the game through space for farm and morale boosts (countering negativity).

                      I always tell them at the start of the game that I will play support and request for 3rd/4th+ pick to try and counter enemy cores. Rarely does anyone ever disagree with those two statements when said in succession.


                        I can try, but keep in mind I'm not much better than you. Anyways, here's my 2 cents;

                        # Game 1 (Slark)

                        Good impact overall, lot's of kills and HD/TD, I can't find anything that's fishy, so I'd say Well Played! Obviously you went SNY for the luls so I won't judge(I do it myself aswell)

                        # Game 2 Sven

                        First of, I'm not a fan of Armlet on Sven, mostly because I suck toggling it and honestly, I think rushing Echo Sabre after PT is overall a better option? Idk, just my opinion.

                        Not sure why you bough magic stick, but I guess you had your reasons, so I can't judge, but I wouldn't go magick stick against their heroes.

                        Now for the more important things; having 150 CS as Sven for almost 40 min game is not acceptable. Unless you're killing everyone and pushing like there's no tomorrow and you WON, something is really fishy.

                        For 35 min game, you should be able to have at least 250 CS, if not even more. I aim to have at least 250 CS, but even that is pretty bad, unless you got a big advantage and just decided to run around and kill people, but, in that case, I assume your item build should be like:

                        PT, Echo, Blink, BKB/Daedalus/whatever(depends on a game I guess?), and all this could be done by @ 20 mins in that case(BKB, Blink, Echo, BKB or daedalus with PT, ofc)

                        So to long story short: not much to say,because your impact was non-exitant and you had literally no farm/lvls and I think that your itembuild is bad.

                        # Game 3( Troll )

                        I don't get the @15 min Phase into Drums kind of thing? Drums is not an item for Troll, imo. Also, you got it too late, meaning game could be lost cuz of a low earlygame impact(Troll is good even eary imo)

                        Rushing blink and getting @28 min aghs after items stated above is, once again, imo, pretty dumb. You were a walking creep, but you guys snowballed so it worked out, I guess.

                        Manta/Daedalus are bought when the game was pretty much done, so I won't say much about those, but your item build should've been something like:

                        Phase Boots asap, SnY, Silver Edge, mask by min 25, let's say. It's doable. U can get SnY by min 15, get SB min 18, Silver min 21, Mask min 25..

                        So, pretty bad itemization imo. Impact, overall, decent, you died a lot tho, and I dare to say you got carried to some extent(at least, can't say, didn't watch replay)

                        Game 4# (Viper)

                        Solid impact, I don't understand reasoning behind SB/Silver, but w/e, maybe it's just me. Blink on Viper is better for offensive purposes imo than SB, Blink was kinda of yolo?

                        I'd say you played a big part in that win, but items could be better, GPM could be higher.

                        Game 5# (WR)

                        Midas was greedy and unnessery imo, your aghs is just WAAAY too late, won't even bother trying to point-out rest of your build, since it is irrelevant (came too late, game was already done into your favor, so you were able to afford this stupidity)

                        Coinsidering you had midas, your GPM/XPM is low, your imapct is also low, and you died a lot, meaning you had no a clear plan towards vicotry nither an idea how to play with that Midas(which is stupid alone)

                        Hope I helped, but take my advices with grain of salt, since I'm barely 4k myself (3.8k atm), since your case is a bit more complex than OP(you're a better player)


                          3k is the most fun bracket i like it but if you want to get out it is up to you and only you. yeah we get retard team mates sometimes but that case is rare maybe like 1 out of 10 games


                            At 3k you really don't know if being ahead is really being ahead as in a very important win condition. I find it much easier to solo win games in that bracket (I calibrated at 3.4k) but as a core of course even if the enemy team is up by 20 kills or something you can still comeback easily. When teamfights happen you must be in a position to split push and make the enemy defend, if you can kill someone who TPs in to defend go for the kill and force the others to TP as well then get back to farming. If you dont see anyone on the map then farm where its safe (sometimes its safer to farm enemy jungle if you have no wards), if a fight breaks out then split push if you are near to an enemy tower, only TP in to help your team if you can win the fight. If you can't then just go back to farming and pressure towers.


                              @Vertoxity, lol.


                                @ WinterChillz

                                Keep being delusional trash.

                                How do you expect to get any help from anyone when you're so narrow minded?

                                Don't you realise you're bad? Can't you see you're the problem? XD Holy shit. You might be even worse than them.

                                You can LOL as much as you want, but you're fking terrible.


                                  Hi thanks for the analysis dude. It helps even though I dont get it from a pro ( :P), but you're better than me and I want to reach 4k soon.

                                  Game 1 : Ya pretty much was a wipeout, I carried them solo we were losing early mid game actually. Sny for the lols ya, got it at their base while the game was ending.

                                  Game 2 : Had the most horrible laning phase ever. Was against a rubik and abbadon who kept spamming shield and rubik nukes. My omni was pretty much afk in lane , he couldnt do much either. If u really can help me , you can watch the game 2 replay and see if u can win a game like that. It was pretty much unwinnable by me.

                                  G3 : I lost mid pretty bad but made a comeback. was just trying out drums
                                  its good on troll when we push as a team.

                                  G4: SE just for the cd reduction.

                                  G5: I got midas then we started losing , was a nice comeback at the end. If i dint go midas prolly we wouldve lost. would have around 300 gpm without it and lost as well.

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                                    "hey boys, my team sucks, because I'm a fucking delusional little trash with sub 400 GPM"

                                    But trust me BOYS, they are so bad.


                                      @ Ashes

                                      Bro, you have to realise you don't get midas for high GPM, you get midas for XP.

                                      Midas didn't win you that game, I'm almost 100% sure. I'd sugest literally skiping midas on core heroes.

                                      Game 2, doesn't really matter mate, I'll check the game cuz I'm bored, but I'm pretty sure it's possbile to farm better than 150CS / 35 min as Sven.

                                      Even if you get like 10 LH for @ 10 mins, you'll be able to catch up when the tower falls.

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                                        @ Ashes

                                        You went too agressive on the laning phase, first few minutes you literally lost 2 tangoes just to trade with Abbadon, which is kinda stupid since you can't really kill him as lvl 1 or 2 Sven. Overall you tank a lot of damage just for one creep or so, which is not good, obivously.

                                        Learn how to draw the aggro.

                                        Also you missed at least 5 last-hits during first 3 minutes of the game.

                                        The starting items are okay, but instead of Mango you should've bought another set of tangoes or salve, as you can see, you didn't get much value out of your mango.

                                        Honeslty the laning phase wasn't too bad, you just aren't good with last hitting. Esp. under the tower, which is something I also need to get better at, but compared to you, I think I'm noticably better at it, esp. with heroes like Sven. Min @ 3 you had 9 CS, and I'm pretty sure I'd get at least 19-20 CS, and casual 5k guy would've been able to get 25-30 easily.

                                        Don't ba afraid to bring more regen if needed. Get used to doing it. And srsly, get better at last-hitting, I fucking suck, but you're 2 levels above me when it comes to sucking at last-hitting. xd

                                        At min @ 5 you died and failed to kill rubick because you didn't skill WarCry. Get lvl's of WarCry, don't get cleave in this situations, since lane is getting pushed 24/7, so you should be able to get at least 80% of the creeps in this case.

                                        At least one point in War Cry before lvl 3.

                                        I' saw the game until min @ 12 and I can safely say you waste a lot of time running around, doing nothing, pinging OmniK for not healing you while failing to realise you've of been fine if you just had WarCry.

                                        Not to mention you had terrible last-hits under the tower and overall, missing at least 20 free last-hits for first 8 mins, resulting in having 26 LH instead of at least 46.

                                        Game was winable, but not with your current skill. Just practice last-hitting under the tower and watch how good players skill heroes, since I'm 99% sure WarCry is really important to get asap.

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                                          Why don't you try not giving a F**K, that's what I do just enjoy the game man, me I'm just chilling picking support not giving a damn if our team wins or loses hahaha, if we win I'm like yay, if we lose I'm like ok cries a little then gets over it.

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                                              Meanwhile I babyrage over missing a last hit

                                              Chaos Reaper

                                                My team is holding me back too. Look at my last 5 games .They are all noobs.


                                                  Please be objective if you look at your own games
                                                  I still can't get over that game where I itemize badly, not to mention I stupidly threw it by a dieback
                                                  If I can spot my own mistakes which lost myself the game with such game where I basically look like a "1v9 carry but fails", saying that you are better than them but having your teammates dragging you down with such performance is quite delusional


                                                    Hi Shred ,

                                                    Ya I agree with u on the warcry thing esp. I havent played sven in ages and saw this new build with Armlet, MoM and Dagger in a pub against Miracle jugger, so wanted to try that build , shouldve tried in unranked though, but yeah ff**k dota. XD.

                                                    I was overconfident , Rubik was harassing me a lot , I thought he will leave the game after they kill me once or twice. Usuallly thats how it is in 3k pubs , but he stayed in lane etc. I skipped warcry that was my bad, it would've saved me atleast once early game. But ya I was like f888 this lane ill catch up later but my other lanes were lost as well and we lost complete map control. Ya last hitting under tower is not my forte. Also basically ive had a free farm whenever ive gone safe lane recently so wasnt expecting abba rub dual lane. That was one of my sucky games that we have anyway, I just wanted to try that new item build.


                                                      @Vertoxity Can you analyze my games please? Thanks mate. I want to reach 4k soon. Haha pick anything you can give me a summary. Hehe


                                                        I can try, but it's really a hard job for a 3.8k player. Like you expect me to analize your shit, but I'm a fucking bad myself, what do you expect to get in return? :D

                                                        I can only give you some common sense kinda of answers, like, something anyone could see, but even that should be taken with a grain of salt, since my higest mmr ever was just barely above 4.3k

                                                        Anyways, checking on your profile I saw:

                                                        ~ You die a lot, so try to practice how to die less. What works for me is having a plan and going towards it. Like, puting up a mini-game inside a game to help me not feed.

                                                        ~ I think your itembuilds make sense and that's good, so congrats on that I guess.

                                                        ~ It seems that you like to think outside of the box, which is good. But don't follow the same build blindlessly(jugg silence)

                                                        ~ Good example of going same items on different heores would be the PA game you lost. Your items were quite bad, and I don't think you need vlads, since lvl 15 talent provides more than enough lifesteal. Coinsider maybe Satanic super-late, but vlads is not an option, unless you want to push like crazy and you already have a team willing to execute that strategy.

                                                        Sometimes just going regular items ain't a bad idea. I mean, you were lacking a basher, and obviously abysal blade. Silence really didn't help you much and I doubt it fits PA itembuild.. So, pros for thinking outside of the box, but don't go too far with it, since that'll lose you and lost you probably more than a few games.

                                                        If you don't know what to get, just follow pro's or 6k/7k/8k players.

                                                        That's all I got for now, but basically should be enough to start with.


                                                          Tip for anyone, I reached 4k first time by playing offlane Riki. I think it's a viable option still. So you should try that out if you're good with him.

                                                          Ave with an internet pfp

                                                            400 gpm luna :0


                                                              @Vertoxity, well frank did use that hero to reach 6k soo..


                                                                I have 100% first pick AM winrate its legit


                                                                  If you wanna improve your MMR, pick one role in particular and get good at it. People tend to have a role their personality is naturally suited to, and will more than likely do better at that role than any of the other roles. Of course if you need a certain role to be filled then pick that, but always try your hardest every match to play the role you want to improve in. Have a small pool of heroes in which to practice that role with; diversity does not always mean +25 at the lower levels of gameplay.

                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                    3k is real trench
                                                                    First, you have players with the concept of farm to kill then win They believe 1v5 is real
                                                                    Then they evolve, they have a quicker farming pattern than others but no map awareness, no item thoughts, no desire to fight in 7.00. Depleting the gold source just to die in the end and feed bunch of gold

                                                                    I have no problem with those who can stop farming and join fights since they are actually playing instead of being a burden


                                                                      As long as you meet with 3k veteran its okay, they should know what to do to win the game.

                                                                      But if you meet with smurfer, new player level 21,22 or 23(ring of health, void stone or urn of shadows picture) etc you got bad luck. No cure if you meet them.

                                                                      Pointy Shoes

                                                                        I agree with you that it is annoying with support players that rush items instead of basic stuff like wards etc. Like that AA. And yes, some players have absolutely no idea how to pick, or pick according to a compendium challange, like me ;)

                                                                        However; I think it is safe to assume that ranked is harder than unranked which means that if you are used to playing unranked you might have a hard time in ranked if you haven't played it for a while.


                                                                          @ vertoxity
                                                                          Could you give me some advice or analysis for my game ( my last game ). I think you are gud player
                                                                          #sorry for my bad english


                                                                            I don't play antimage, but I think vlads against AA ain't a good idea, esp. in normal- skill, where teams are not so well cordinated.

                                                                            You haven't pushed or splitpushed at all, so try to take advantage of your spells when playing AM and deal some damage to the towers next time.

                                                                            BF timing coul've been better, but the most important thing of all - you died a lot.

                                                                            Reduce deaths, try to have some specific plan when playing from behind(this game was about that mostly), and learn how to splitpush efficiently as Antimage(search on the Internet or watch good players play AM, preferably 6k+)


                                                                              I'm gonna spam AM first pick to 4k to shut everyone with their lame excuses


                                                                                K thanks man. Yeah i think i should learn more to split push, but i hate these team( my teammates ). They are not trust me that i can bringing up my team.

                                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                  ^^That's soooo easy and so many have done that fake CnP


                                                                                    Fake Cnp ? What do you mean ?


                                                                                      Yeah it's 2ez for you. After saw your profile u must be a best pusher because you had 2nd lycan in the top played