General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy can't I break the 4k barrier?

Why can't I break the 4k barrier? in General Discussion

    Everytime I get above 4k, I start getting toxic fucks for teammates, I don't understand why. Only when I get to 4k.
    3.9k - 4k is a breeze, then I get to 4k, it becomes hell. I've gotten 4k like 8 or 9 times now, then I drop to like 3930, then I go back up, then back down... Endless cycle. Welp

    casual gamer

      because you are a 3900-4000 skilled player

      casual gamer

        toxicity is not a consistent barrier to climbing mmr unless you are at your skill level


          you hit your skill cap


            u ahve alot dota games XD


              Last game as an example. Voker farmed/fed for 27 min. He had 1-8, 47% winrate with voker. Died 8 times, all eight times by being dusted, and didnt learn. Trash will be trash. This is why I'm stuck in this shit

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Your skill cap, I only play jungle which is hardest place to spam if you can't get more then my mmr,you are just bad.

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                Chao Vritra

                  thats why you are supposed to hit 4k and quit ranked forever


                    u lack experience at 4k bracket. i wont say that you meet your limit. maybe after u experienced more at 4k bracket you can escape from there somehow. good luck.

                    TheDoctor (HTPG)

                      agreed with @Xcell
                      Keep workin on it mate

                      Potato Marshal

                        Because you keep doing gimmick builds like eblade pudge instead of playing more seriously.


                          Gimmick builds? I get ghost on him anyway because its amazing, and eblade is really good late game
                          I lose because I have retards. Summary of last 3 losses:
                          2 games ago: Invoker farmed for 27 min, 14 min midas? Had more deaths than our support, died 8 times by being charged and dusted.
                          1 game ago: I was solo sven against an axe, what were venge mk doing? No fucking clue. Because we lost all other lanes.
                          Last game: OD lost mid to sf, and went to jungle while sf took our tower. This guy picks bh, doesnt gank am, doesnt gank sf, doesnt gank ursa jung, what was he doing? No fucking clue.
                          Thats how you lose games.


                            i find it hard to win 1v9 games in 3k myself, so i just accept the fact that i might just be a 3k player for the moment.


                              i play normal once i hit 3k, because i want focus on my battle pass level xD