General Discussion

General Discussionwhen karma comes back at you

when karma comes back at you in General Discussion

    cancer russian, last picks PA, starts pinging mid "me mid get out"

    i stay mid and this sweeeeet sweeeet example of karma happens when he tries to steal my regen rune

    i laughed for about 2 minutes kappa

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Make fun of other mistake,revenge?
      I saw a new Karma starting here


        normal skill karma git served


          maaan this dude last picked pa and invaded my mid lane, then tried to steal my regen rune because he's an asshole. thats not a mistake thats being toxic as hell, which brought him in this situation :)

          i sure as hell had my good 5 minutes laughing, thought maybe some would have fun as well


            ignore mute leave game get stuck in lpq dont win get heroes that cant solo win cant rat pick carry lose offlane lose supp lose delete dota



              low prio is easiest game mode in normall skill.

              you get matched against the worst players, most of them
              slark or PA spammers that suddenly have to play pick mid because they only have 2 other supports as options

              Ryan Gosling Fan

                Karma never happens, cuz karma always banned.