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General DiscussionShow off your records

Show off your records in General Discussion
I Quit Dota

      Kills, KDA, Kills per minute, hero damage per minute, GPM, Exp per minute

      Président® Salted Butter
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        Président® Salted Butter
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          Mr. Jin

            Most normal skill games streak. 😁

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            1-IceTea 🌟


              21 WIN STREAK.I done it while I on hardcore grinding process and every match going to new highest mmr for me.

              NOT low mmr account grind
              NOT mmr climb back grind. (well,maybe some but less then half).

              Edit : is the beginning of I try 'my' Ursa build and not following traditional popular 'pro' build.

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              1-IceTea 🌟

                Smurf and against all player that worse then you.
                @Garbage can
                That's impressive but are you play with player hat same skill level as you?
                Good streak


                  played a game of techies recently and its taking over all my records :(

                  Gabba Gabba Games TTV

           IDK i think all my records are pretty good but what do i know O.o?

                      casual gamer

                        got 181k damage in a 1.5 hr tinker game, although it was pretty low skill lmao


                          Top 20 elder titan a month ago. I can't post because I'm not in top 100 anymore lol


                            It says I have longest winning streak with Treant, 10 games, it isn't truth, but I have 20 games with Dark Seer which is not set as record. What should I do...really bothers me. :D

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                              Most hero healing: 12,543


                              I couldn't stop keyboard-mashing even for a second as the game could go either way and I end up healing 12k damage which is really higher than my average of 5k-6k.



                                best KDA-ratio : 42 with Visage (support)

                                longes winning streak: 9 WITH ORACLE...copy that paesents and carry-only players

                                also, 420 last hits with green viper, aaah the meme is strong man

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                                  but seriously, nearly 10k hero healing as Wraith King.

                                  and 55 KDA safelane carry Riki.

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                                    Packet loss is the real counter to AM xd


                                      I see someone healing 12k i did 30k while ago




                                        Longest Win Streak 10, Longest Lose streak 12. Super scrub after stopping dota for a few months + I'm 2.5k MMR.
                                        Most LH is 750 in a 1hr 20mins games. Most of you probably count hit 1k LH by then. Highest KDA is 61 too.