General Discussion

General DiscussionUseful Console commands

Useful Console commands in General Discussion
Bobby knuckles

    Command: cl_dota_alt_unit_movetodirection
    Variables: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
    Details: (Alt + Right Click) moves with pathfinding disabled. Movement stops on collision. (Useful for heroes like SF)

    Command: dota_camera_get_lookatpos
    Variables: -
    Details: Prints the camera's position. (Mostly Useless)

    Command: dota_camera_set_lookatpos
    Variables: XY Coordinates
    Details: Sets the camera's position to a pair of coordinates. (Mostly Useless)

    Command: dota_minimap_disable_rightclick
    Variables: 0 = Minimap right click enabled, 1 = Minimap right click disabled
    Details: Disables right clicking on the minimap. (Extremely useless and not recommended unless you are 1k and click on minimap by accident while running away from enemy)

    Command: dota_minimap_hero_spread_distance
    Variables: # = Pixels
    Details: Distance at which to spread icons. (Most Useful in the list)

    Command: dota_player_smart_multiunit_cast
    Variables: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
    Details: When multiple identical units are selected, you may cast identical spells from the units without having to directly select each individual. (I will try it once I get home to see wtf this is, if someone else can try it on meepo that will be great)

    I haven't used any of these to be honest but yea they sound useful. I skipped (or at least I tried to) all the commands for which you can use options section of dota 2. If you have anything useful do share.

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      Command: quit
      Variables: -
      Details: lets you get a better life

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      Bobby knuckles

        ^ Seriously, follow your own advice.


          Dota_pause in 1k mmr during the pick phase

          Enjoy their panic

          Bobby knuckles

            ^ More like this plz


              i tried moving with using alt and it looks super sloppy, like i'd be playing with 500 ping


                damn jon jones with those damn BURNS. Sadly, I do have a life and a career as a guitarist

                Bobby knuckles

                  ^ rofl thats the most loser specific career you could state right now. Btw I'm a software engineer and on job right now was on break getting bored so I made this thread. I suggest you s t f u before further embarrassing yourself.

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                  CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                    Its just a hobby that turned great im still a student brah nothing personal. damn why dota people so toxic

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                    Bobby knuckles

                      Command: quit
                      Variables: -
                      Details: get a life

                      ^ Seriously, follow your own advice.

                      CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                        I didnt mean it personally ... damn how sensitive are you

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                        Bobby knuckles

                          Alright so he starts this no life thing and when I respond he gets his panties up in a bunch and goes

                          I didn't mean it personally ... damn how sensitive are you
                          Go through the thread and read your own comments. It's established that I'm going back and forth with a retard here so I will stop wasting my time on you now. Go play guitar to calm yourself down and plz don't hit yourself.

                          CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                            dafuq you sound so arrogant im not asking you to get a life im just saying thats what the quit commands does after you quit dota, a game that has ruined many lives literally or not. it was just a joke comment and then you say something about being an engineer. I guess I shouldve said that the quit commands lets you get a better life because how easily it is to trigger people's prides are nowadays.

                            ok there I changed it

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                            Bobby knuckles

                              dafuq you sound so arrogant im not asking you to get a life im just saying thats what the quit commands does after you quit dota, a game that has ruined many lives literally or not. it was just a joke comment and then you say something about being an engineer. I guess I shouldve said that the quit commands lets you get a better life because how easily it is to trigger people's prides are nowadays

                              You claim it was a joke and then I follow it with something extremely mild as

                              ^ Seriously, follow your own advice.
                              and you came back with this

                              damn jon jones with those damn BURNS. Sadly, I do have a life and a career as a guitarist

                              I didn't just start blasting you and mentioning my career(I did it after you soo proudly proclaimed that you are a GUITARIST also I have been here for awhile now and this is the first time I have mentioned it). Like I said earlier, read your own fucking comments you god damn ape and don't poke others if you are a sensitive B-itch and can't take it back.

                              P.S This (in my view) was a mild conversation until you started getting your panties up in a bunch. Also this is my last reply to you.

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                              CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                sure m8 we have our own perspectives and assumptions I was just a proud guitarist because it's what I loved doing u got triggered because I so boldly, pridefully said that and then I got triggered m8 like cyka blyat bobo puta madre nahui. As the saying goes, its how you speak which causes pointless arguments, not what you speak. good day m8