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General Discussionez calibration matches

ez calibration matches in General Discussion

    why are ranked matches at 2.7 k so much easier then 1k...does the trench actually exist?

    here i get dumb people every match as well, like mr out-of-position-feed skywrath or BF-flame allchat-splitpush-riki and miss-all-hook pudge that picks pudge so that the mid that marked pudge cant pick him because pudge mid is shit, even though he cant play him

    but somehow i still manage to carry and win in contrast to 1k

    for me 1k trench is confirmed. might be just me tilting ultra hard when i see all 4 teammates being full mode retard when i actually could solo carry


      Skill did not start actually changing until 3k in my experience of starting from 900 mmr and climbing.


        skill changes in every single mmr point. It doesnt mean that you cant encounter smurf, booster, bought acount or other exceptions, but the more mmr, the better games they become, the more tryhard you need to be to win


          U are noob 2k scrub .

          Livin' Real Good

            People say it doesn't get better as you increase MMR, but it does, even if it's in small increments. It's just that people make it a self fulfilling prophecy, they also use selective memory and remember the few times a teammate has done that in 5K, 6K, or whatever. (out of hundreds, or even thousands of games) OBVIOUSLY from a statistical stand point it's GOING TO HAPPEN at all MMR's, that's what they don't understand, it's basic probability. I remember people walking down mid in 2K much more than the people here at high/mid 4K. Why? Cause people at this MMR take dota more serious, also most of them have grown past that " feeding down mid cause mid laner didn't gank phase. " (once again, obviously not all people grow up though)

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              uuuh weeew OG will have max. 300 mmr more then me after calibration congratz :)