General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does Root Mechanic works?

How does Root Mechanic works? in General Discussion

    So. Not knowing this mechanic cost me my last game. Blade fury doesn't work on searing chains, which was before Patch 7.00 works(?). I'm confused. I need help.

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    doc joferlyn simp

      Tbh Root mechanic should be more specific. Some roots reveal ang give TrueSight to Rooted targets. Some don't. Some cancel TPs. Some don't! Some dispelled some nah.

      As a general rule of thumb Storm Spirit is fucked by any kind of Root.


        What do you mean bladefury doesn't work on searing chains? I'm 95% sure you can and always have been able to blade fury out of chains.

        doc joferlyn simp

          ^He means he tried cutting the Chains with the Fury of his Blades but it didn't work :horse:


            Spamming Q while rooted doesn't work. I was killed three times because of Fury not working in chains. If I knew this earlier I would have done popping manta first before Fury.


              Blade fury works while rooted, i dont know what you are talking about.


                ^Murder on my mind which root spells dont cancel TPs?

                doc joferlyn simp

                  ^Pit of Malice comes to mind.


                    Underlord root doesnt stop chanelling so it doesnt cancel tp, but it can cancel nature prophet global teleport cause its cancelled by roots.

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      A quick Google search explains things. Have a looksy



                        @ tertig It doesn't work. Please someone send a gif executing blade fury while on searing chains. If it does work, i'll take full responsibilty on my mistake but I'm pretty sure I am not wrong.


                          @murder on my mind I've read that already. I came asking here because I'm still confused.


                            git gud


                              Fuck this. I'll watch the replay tomorrow. I feel stupid. Thanks bro. I take full responsibility for my stupidity. :sad: So, i realize I was committing misplays.

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                You didn't pay attention to what was happening more likely. Blade Fury on CD? Or just stunned? Blade Fury is not like Ursa ult it doesn't dispel everything and make you take less damage if you activate it.


                                  Probably. Heat of the moment and I was too occupied wanting to press Q. Might be on CD or Spirit Breaker stunning me before being able to cast it. I'll watch the replay tomorrow. Thanks!


                                    I had committed several misplays here that's why. I omnislashed an AM with Aghs twice. Diffusal'd him while he's dying and got dispelled he fought back, buying back only to die again, etc. Committed the misplays on crucial times of the game.


                                      Lol. Don't feel bad. You are 3k after all. Not knowing how on earth u could be so wrong is part of the journey to becoming less bad. I mean I was once so fucking stumbled by the fact that my life's steal mask wasn't working as ursa when I was trying to take rosh and I nearly died. Then my teammate pointed out that blight and lifesteal don't stack.


                                        I felt silly

                                        also jdf8

                                          flash is disabled during root :-)

                                          Savvy Cat

                                            I don't think Juggernaut can cast ult while he is rooted if that was what you were trying.