General Discussion

General Discussionhero with no counter.

hero with no counter. in General Discussion

    Topic ^


      Spirit breaker and abaddon are like the 2 safest first picks I've witnessed in recent months.

      Bosnian Blade

        techies has no counter hero


          Every hero has its counters. Your best bet is pick something that people don't counter, like Chen or io.

          ^Techies is heavily countered by many heroes Imo. Enchantress, Chen, terrorblade, naga, just to name a few off the top of my head.

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          Cheap Laugh Guy

            AM has no counter

            Pale Mannie

              no hero has no counters


                invoker have no counters at all iirc , you just have to play around him and chain stun kill him but no hero is a go to counter to invoker


                  420, I thought so lol

                  TheDoctor (HTPG)

                    what 420 said is true
                    but i guess whats more important is how well you can play the game
                    along with ur teamates that is

                    Riguma Borusu

                      invoker have no counters at all iirc , you just have to play around him and chain stun kill him but no hero is a go to counter to invoker


                        it is more of a bad match up than a direct counter , just like AM vs invoker , invoker itemization gives him a good defensive options vs nyx with a normal item build


                          I don't get countered playing CM


                            @Nikki *CoughZeusCoughRikiCoughClinkzCoughMagnusCough*

                            Basically anyone that can counterinitiate or stop your ulti you even through Glim Cape.

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                            i follow Jesus.

                              nyx has no counters whatsoever
                              he has literaly 3 escape mechanisms and tanks with his agh's more than a fucking medusa

                              GAMEPLAY AGRESSIF


                                Bosnian Blade

                                  @ 420 none of those heroes is counter to techies . only items counter techies . cz no1 can survive bombs
                                  ez maybe abdon

                                  disgusting weebs

                                    pudge mid

                                    ♡.::[ Ray_KZOR ]::.♡

                                      Visage, Earth Spirit and maybe Phantom Assassin

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        Doom is countered by a shitload of heroes.


                                          Probably Mirana is one of the few heroes that doesn't have noticeable counter considering hero mechanics.

                                          Potato Marshal


                                            GRANT MACDONALD

                                              Visage is badly countered by mjolnir/malestrom heroes, tidebringer, luna glaives, medusa and Kotl, with a level 4 illuminate 1 shotting the birds.

                                              As for Mirana, the biggest counter ive seen is Slark- since you cant leap out of leash but she is incredibly versatile

                                              behaviour score reformer

                                                invoker have no counters at all iirc , you just have to play around him and chain stun kill him but no hero is a go to counter to invoker

                                                Ahh fuck i just died a little inside


                                                  I would say more Invoker has counters... Pre 25 he is easily dominated. Why else would he sit bellow 50% WR even in 5k+? Why would Ana, black, Boboka, Sumail and others have higher winrate with many other heroes...?

                                                  Yea, lvl 25 invo is hard to shut down. But honestly, he is shut down many times pre lvl 10 so much, the game is not even going to be till lvl 25.


                                                    What counters disrupter?
                                                    Ogre Magie?


                                                      pick shit hero, that equally sucks no matter enemy team


                                                        Every hero has soft counters, general strategies and effects that may counter them, but not every hero has another hero that hard counters them.


                                                          puck can rape invoker mid early-mid game.

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            idk, SF doesn't really have a counter tbh

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              pick shit hero, that equally sucks no matter enemy team

                                                              This is why I spam blood seeker. I can first pick it without being countered because the hero is so bad anyway.

                                                              Also, @everyone above who suggested that any easy counterable hero does not have a counter I don't know if you are trolling or you're just retarded.

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                                                                Jokes on you I rarely use ulti since I hunt people who tries to hunt me


                                                                  aba ult not trigger when wyvern ults him so you can counter him easily

                                                                  Shohei Ohtani

                                                                    A good invoker has no counters. He is a versatile SOB


                                                                      Warlock have no counter


                                                                        More or less, every hero has counters. If there is no hero to counter with, there is at the end always an item to counter with, but there are of course some heroes who can still be very efficient like Lich, Spirit Breaker, Clockwerk, Sven or even an Omniknigt. When I play these heroes I never feel countered.

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                                                                          Why didn't Pudge get a mention
                                                                          also most position 5 heroes (Disruptor and CM for eg)

                                                                          oh and i always wipe up the floor with Invoker when Im playing Visage. not sure if it's a counter or level 6 Visage is just that strong.

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                                                                          all role player

                                                                            so tired with this good invo have no counter yada yada bullshit
                                                                            even 5k match with invo lost to counter and still doesnt have 100%wr
                                                                            every hero have a counter but a good spammer can deal with the counter
                                                                            RIKI = NO COUNTER


                                                                              schrand a good Wind ranger player will rape the shit out of sven early / mid game and even in late


                                                                                How do u counter Rubick


                                                                                  Invoker has no counter? XD


                                                                                    how about jugg,although axe and lc can be good against him

                                                                                    Bear of the Polar Variety

                                                                                      Invoker gets rekt by nyx
                                                                                      Supports die to hard carries that can initate on the back lines easily and burst them down quickly (PA, TA, Slark)
                                                                                      Warlock countered by Silencer
                                                                                      PA is countered by magic and pure damage as she can't dodge them (Bane, Tinker)


                                                                                        Pretty sure riki is also gonna a pain in the ass for invoker


                                                                                          ^ goddamn right

                                                                                          Play for Fun

                                                                                            lc jungle and pa supp has no counter