General Discussion

General Discussionmax out laser + rocket or max out march?

max out laser + rocket or max out march? in General Discussion

    I dont know which is better for tinker in the current meta help!!!!

    doc joferlyn simp

      Match-to-match basis.


        when should i max laser + rocket?


          when you are absolutely sure you will get the kills on their mid


            2 points in rocket and laser then max march


              then again raindrops will make killing them hard in a burst,i always max march now

              doc joferlyn simp

                When a roamer/s is really up your ass. You invest your skill points into Laser + Rocket to fend off gankers like Riki/SB, since your Q and W do more reliable damage than March. Maybe lay off putting a skill point in Rearm until level 11. If you had a rough laning stage it isn't like you'll have the mana to sustain trying to spam Rockets during skirmishes, and if you truly had a hard time your BoT timing would be off by a mile, so you aren't gonna Rearm + TP anytime soon

                Mostly it's 2-2-4-1 skill build if things are going fine. This will set you up with your early BoT so you can pressure lanes/push your own and make space ASAP

                I'm not a good Dota player by any means but I think this is general knowledge based on how to act for specific cases


                  thanks for the answers its really helpful!


                    I'm still learning tinker and my answers probably wrong but I think going level 3 and level 2 rockets before going March let's you dominate lane, and is good for occasional ganks if you happen to get a good rune.

                    I skill points into March when there's rarely anyone I can gank on enemy team, I can't kill enemy midlaner or I'm far behind. Having high level nukes and low March makes it super hard to farm when behind and you rely on comeback kills to get to your travels.

                    Also I want to ask why bloodstone tinker? I mean it tanks you up a bit, gives you lower respawn time which can help when turtling. I don't think mana regen is too great because you burn through your mana pool reasonably fast and with the mana regen you get like an extra rearm which is average. On a hero that abuses fountain regen I'm not sure what the point of bloodstone is.

                    I also want to clarify if it's worth it to laser AND rocket enemy mid to do tons of harass at the cost of your mana pool. Generally it's just laser and a few right clicks.

                    This comment was edited
                    Potato Marshal

                      It really depends on your lane, march completely destroys heroes like TA.

                      Magic Wand

                        2-2-4-1 - laning stability and farming/ defensive play
                        3-2-3-1- aggressive play

                        My friend uses this build and i learned that from him his tinker is almost on par with 6k players.

                        He goes max 1st 2nd when he can own his enemy or if its fvcking noob
                        He goes max march early at laning when he cant handle laning given he is always ganked or he is outplayed by enemy team.


                          do not play tinker



                            for me i just get bloodstone last since i have nothing to do with the gold,is that the real reason for that tho?escept the constant denies maybe

                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                              Spamming missiles before tping back is good,walking forward for laser and a few hits would be hard and even risky at some situations.


                                3 points for laser and rockets .then march .why 3 points ?its very helpful in team fights that dictates the game .lunch rockets laser then march .march is good for defensive or offensive team fights .2-3k mmr players always spam rocket and laser only that they didnt know march is a big help in team fights .keep in my that the enemy doesnt know that ur march is only lvl1 or lvl2 .they will avoid it or stay to die .


                                  1 more thing most of 3k mmr tinker player they go in fornt line to ks or wat so ever reason .i called them "tanker idiot" .haha
                                  watch pro games to know what posistion tinker is good when team fight breaks .me as a tinker im not that good either bad using tinker .i just know my posistion when team fight breaks

                                  in this game i made mistake but not that much .hahaha


                                    3 points in laser skip dont skill anything else

                                    that way you can be flexible you wont be spamming rockets in lane anyways