General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's some stupid shit that you've done in Dota?

What's some stupid shit that you've done in Dota? in General Discussion

    When i first started playing dota i used arrow keys to move around the map instead of edge pan or camera grip, legit the arrow keys and i clicked my skills because my hand was occupied on mouse keys. LMFAO i played like bloodseeker and ursa in dota 1 because of that rofl


      at least you didn't first pick sniper every game and feed your ass off :feelsbadman:


        I died at min -1 to a tower


          I used omnislash to farm creeps


            playing with Russian...

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Solo supported 4 retards is probably the dumbest thing I have ever done.

              Especially since they gave me very very good hints that they were bad. You can kind of tell by someone's voice+attitude if they are going to be garbage or not.

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                dota 1 = vanguard , mom & basher on every hero cuz why not

                O A S I 5 is Back

                  I used summoned bird of beastmaster as courier, controled it to base to take my items. That was some good shiit! XD

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                    I've never done anything stupid


                      bought 6 bottles on shadow fiend


                        I did chrono ultied sk together with my 4 teammates and enemy midnight pulse on the ground.


                          Got stuck in the ancient camp pre 6.8 era map because I wanted to hide from pudge. My team got wiped...except me, stuck in the camp tryna get out right clicking them dragons


                            How to write a forum pls help


                              Accept a solo ranked game


                                2 Power Threads, forgot why I do that already.


                                  Had a friend that bought 3 mana boots on sniper every game ... the same guy would only buy boots into ring of health into rapier a few weeks later....


                                    Bought shadow blade on TA.

                                    Have a friend who used to buy both arcanes and tranquils on supports and demand that the carry let him LH the range creep.

                                    Noisy Miner
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                                      Noisy Miner

                                        Bought a Divine rapier for the first time and got ganked in the next 10 seconds.


                                          3x battlefury medusa


                                            Crit on every hero i picked for my first like 10 games


                                              Ravaged a small camp when I was trying to alt-click the cooldown.

                                              Bought echo sabre on gyrocopter the day it came out. Reading comprehension is important.

                                              Rushed battlefury on bounty hunter for like 15 games when I was just starting, because it was a recommended item. No thought whatsoever.

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                                                Threw a stomped game goes to 5 enemy and die then bought items to not buy back because team thinks they're goodt gave them kills so they begun arrogant and thinks they're good


                                                  They didn't blame me since I play d nice

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    shadow blade tas fine


                                                      cant recall my early days but I was decent. I once played with 4 new players, death prophet kept using her ult in jungle only.


                                                        I took guardian greaves on underlord, most terrible mistake in my whole life

                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                          downloaded this game


                                                            i began to play


                                                              Played siltbreaker with random people.


                                                                I bought mek on lich and warlock and wud proceed to never use the active cuz too many buttons
                                                                I thought fatal bonds stunned

                                                                Optimus Drip

                                                                  I called everyone baka in my last game when they died to me, the bloodseeker got SUPER salty....

                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                    bought soul boosters and bloodstones on ursa because of old ult and i was too lazy to count the amount of hp tarrasque would give


                                                                      I also remember only building deso cuz it builds from mithril hammer which I thought was the strongest item in the game cuz duuuh damage...2 deso every game... also red bullets are very satisfying

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                                                                        feed 5 rapiras in one go

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          feed 5 rapiras in one go

                                                                          Sniper aghs vs blademail?

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                                                                              in my records: most gold

                                                                              i just tried to teleport and kill a dude and whole team was there (was natures jew)


                                                                                Playing with irl friends

                                                                                Sugar Show

                                                                                  trust in peru gankers/roamers.


                                                                                    bought 6 bracers every game on every hero


                                                                                      In a super close game as earth spirit, i accidentally pressed R but i was supposed to say "RS"


                                                                                        I used my disconnected lycan teammate as courier


                                                                                          accidently solo queued for cm on Russia into a 4.3k average game


                                                                                            in a party of 5 playing against a team ~400 pts higher in average than us, won a game after one of us abandoned due to a crash, which, following the not-fully-fixed-yet party mmr rules, resulted into 10 people in the game getting -45 mmr

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                                                                                            Bosnian Blade

                                                                                              asked a russians to speak eng


                                                                                                I bought battlefury on Gyro and Luna for the damage stats and regen.


                                                                                                  way way back. recalled an annoying guy to a cliff and never let him use cour. lose the game and got low prior though.

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                                                                                                    threw a game once
                                                                                                    still throw games )))


                                                                                                      trying to win with IO


                                                                                                        -Miss click and end stuck in trees/cliff in front of enemy team
                                                                                                        -When i was spamming spirit breaker there was a game where for some unknow reasons I always end up cliking on my mouse and stopping the charge. I got stuck maibe 5 times on trees and cliff while watching my team dying.
                                                                                                        -Altclinking on my ultimate before a teamfight to show the cooldown. Of course i didn't press Alt but the windows key.
                                                                                                        -drinking coffee on keyboard while playing dota. Do that only if you're planning to change your computer.
                                                                                                        -when someone insult you on allchat and you are farming on an unsafe place, you need to go to a safe place before typing him back.
                                                                                                        -The first time I tried to give a ward to someone... :(