General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the thought process of a HS/VHS player like?

What is the thought process of a HS/VHS player like? in General Discussion

    Just wanna know


      i've started thinking a lot more about trade-offs and objectives. before that i just meshed keys


        minimal risks, only bother with secured kills (meaning don't run half way across the map into their tier 2 on foot chasing a rubik that's 1 hit from dead when it's like 3 mins in)

        always be time efficient, never stand still (unless you're pudge or something where you need to) otherwise ALWAYS find something to do, steal a bounty rune, deward, deep ward, stack a camp, harass an enemy without intention to kill, let enemy know of your presence in a lane before you tp to base or afkjungle.
        ^ i realise a lot of low mmr players seem to wander around pointlessly without a plan, especially when they've lost a lane (i'll say stop feeding), they interpret it as walk across mid lane, do nothing, then give another lane a go when nothing happens
        never go to a lane that doesn't need help unless it's a secured kill/push for tower w/e otherwise ASK for help and meanwhile at least try leech exp or attack a jungle creep, run & repeat just for the one creep bounty while your help finishes up with what they're doing to come to help

        mega creeps. my brain is legit programmed to prioritize raxes, especially mega creeps, over any team mates deaths (given that i actually succeed whilst watching my team die) eventually you'll know when there's something you could do or not.
        a lot of players run from their half-hp jungle camp to help a teammate but doesn't actually help but rather just run up and down UNTIL that teammate dies only to resume farming the camp
        same applies to losing a team fight once because although 4 of your teammates have no chance without you, you go with them to try push as a team and end up having to trade 5 for 1-2 whilst what you could've done is rax top and have 4 of your teammates die (which happens even if you were there) giving you space BUT they'll get angry if you don't rax top cause you could've been the difference between winning and losing the fight
        usually i'd end up going with them just to have a happy team, get wiped, then STILL get blamed for not coming the first time

        remember that the games ppl hate losing most are the ones where they have double your team kills
        so i like to win especially those games where although we're giving a lot of kills , they're all for a purpose. there's nothing worse to me than a draft that is strong in all aspects besides sieging.
        example tinker timber cm bh ember
        ^ each lane can dominate but once it gets to high ground, it could go REAL bad, REAL fast when carried away and not realising the gold swing given if yous get wiped


          Destroy enemy ancient

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            hs/vhs players are not ordinary people but rather transcended beings with a mind no human can even come close to comprehending

            i don't think we can explain our thought process, the closest explanation you would understand is this:

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              Basically what kritz said. Just always be doing something.



                  always win games

                  Pale Mannie

                    HS player: how to get VHS???
                    VHS player:


                      Real vhs starts from 4600+

                      GRANT MACDONALD

                        Nothing tilts me more than base diving when objectives (t3, Rax) are sitting there begging to be taken

                        meteor hammer

                          they are desperate for kills

                          they do not move their camera off their hero nearly as often


                            Yeah i remember this one game where SEA kids think that they are good and start diving in the enemy team's fountain without bb and we lost the game even though we have megacreeps