General Discussion

General Discussion2k trash in need of help

2k trash in need of help in General Discussion

    I need some fresh eyes on what I need to focus on to improve my gameplay. If someone could check some of my recent games and give me some relevant critisism I would appreciate it :)



      Objective gaming.
      Prob with most low 2ks is they look for kills over towers too often, chasing kills that they cannot get ect.
      Focus on winning not having a nice kda/ xpm or gpm.


        Destroy towers


          Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for...


            pick mid hero! look at my profile,i climb from 2k with only go mid.


              You seem to die a lot. So you're on the right path to improving. Next thing you must do is choose when you die. Dying at the right time is important. (I'm not saying die less)


                Is there ever a right time of dying? Serious question lol

                Anyways, you are right. I do die a lot.


                  if a support can save a high killstreak core, or anyone dying to break T3 tower/racks.

                  no other reason ever allowed

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                    I have never seen anyone sacrificing them self willingly to save a teammate in my mmr. It happens accidentally all the time, but then the person who just got saved jumps back in and guess what... ends up dying lol

                    I think the reason why I'm dying is because I see a chance to kill someone and then make bad decisions and end up dying instead.


                      Apply logical thinking in your gameplay
                      Analyze high mmr replays
                      Spam heroes, less variables allows you to notice your mistakes and learn stuffs easily


                        Please ignore the shallow "spam x..... easy mmr..... just do z..... then y..... easy win...." suggestions


                          If u are dying without getting a better trade = bad death. If u died but for example to get double kill on their farmed ass cores then totally worth


                            Or u died to jebait the entire enemy team to use all their spellls and ur team gets a team wipe. Lul so satisfying.


                              But you don't know if your team will take objectives afterwards :thinking:


                                And farm their fountain instead


                                  I am aware that I play way to many heroes, what you suggest is to get ''good'' at 1-3 heroes at each position?


                                    nah, it's easier to take just 1-3 heroes from 1 position

                                    also, if your thought process gets stuck on a stupid question like this, then you're never going to get to high mmr.

                                    Like the majority of the low mmr bracket who can't pass over stupid things like: their teammates doing soemthing stupid, i'm stuck at X mmr, is X item good on Y hero, what to pick, what to buy, what lane etc.

                                    Those stupid questions don't matter, i can use the standard build on any hero and play it 100x better than 99% of the playerbase in any of their games, and if you can't get over something so simple and stupid then you're literally never getting to high mmr.

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                                      I would rather be admiralbulldog than some versatile 7k nonamer


                                        giveway to those cancer just pick last and pick what the team needs. and focus on winning not killing or ur K/D/A.


                                          i do not know how the "community" is in higher mmr, but in low 2k it's incredible toxic and half of the player base barely speaks a single word English. Half the games someone tilts completely, feeding not only themselves but also the courier and giving out reapers like its candy lol. So basically I need to be like 4K mmr+ to be able to carry such teams?

                                          Practice practice practice I suppose

                                          Thanks for the advices you all


                                            you don't even know what freedom you get in the low mmr brackets, i find it so fucking sad when someone starts bitching about their teammates in a bracket where teammates literally don't matter


                                            axe at 00 comes to my lane and starts flaming and kicks me out of lane, after that he goes afk jungle for 15 minutes

                                            then at 20 minutes i pick up invoker's rod of atos he just casually droped to the floor and tell him to come catch me to get it, nothing harmful just a joke

                                            the guy just gets mad and goes selling all his items and goes afk jungle to buy 2 rapiers to the enemy team.

                                            You like teammates who don't understand shit? it took me 5 minutes to explain to WD to use maledict instead of stun.

                                            AND i still stomped that game

                                            2.9k mmr game

                                            So recap:

                                            AFK flamer axe who ruins my lane
                                            Invoker feeding and selling all his items to buy rapiers to the enemy
                                            and having to convince bara and wd to stop being afk behind towers.

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                                              Nah man
                                              I'm only 3k and I can stomp them by first picking AM in 2k


                                                "Practice, practice, practice!" - Fatal1ty

                                                RELAX U ARE DOING FINE

                                                  the reason u loss mmr only because of u,not your teammates! solo mmr is basiccally 5 invidual player againts 5,practice all your skill like last hit,stack,ward,deward,split push... is the only way u out play enemy! focus on that u will get out the 2k ez

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                                                    i almost forgot actually, this one cracks me up harder


                                                    believe it or not, those guys had a total of 5 kills all together up till the 1 hour mark, PL got his first kill 5 minutes before the game ended, accidentally.

                                                    i'd end up solo killing the almost the whole enemy team every fight, but my team was too stupid to push, so the game was too slow


                                                        you get out of 2k by joining the 1k club