General Discussion

General Discussionmoar questions

moar questions in General Discussion

    k so I've been watching more sk replays and I've learnt quite alot but I have more questions now
    ik miracle isn't the best sk out there. .. but hey it's what I could find and this iswhat I found weird with his playstyle
    1-he always....always gets a qb....regardless the lane matchup....while cr1t and fenrir rarely buy it related to player preference or does it have to do with him sitting in lane and farming and not roaming for kills b4 blink
    2-i kinda understood why he keeps going between tranqs and mana boots when his team needs it....but instead of getting soulring with tranqs.... he gets wand and raindrops...again is it related to player preference. ..or is it because he doesnt roam soulring that essential for roaming
    3 -I've found his item build to super flexible ....I first watched a 6k player and he always gets veil+lens then gets eblade/shuvas/hex....miracle on the other hand gets everything pipe/force/radiance you name it...I dont think I will be able to itemise correctly like him...should I follow one item build in the mid game or just do what he does
    4-when do we get forcestaff....ik it sounds dumb...but pls I dont see its value on the hero over lens->aghs...bear with me
    5-why octarine core....if he wants faster disables that late in the game why not get a hex...the reduced cooldown on lt doesnt rly matter imo that late in the game...cuz if they aren't dead with one ult ...u already lost...he then picked up a radiance to compliment the octarine....but why not get the radiance first to farm a faster octarine...and is a 40 min radiance rly worth it

    now dont get me wrong im not questioning his item choices I just want to understand them
    the enemies in the radiace game are lesh gyro tony io and sd...gyro and tony had bkbs when he had radiance
    ty if you read all this and going to answer :)


      No one knows what miracle thinks. He gets weird shit all the time

      meteor hammer

        miracle is a big boy who buys items to win games. idk why he wanted rad against 2 bkb + sd but it could be as simple as disabling blink daggers or baiting sd into disrupting him and he turns the rad off.

        FS core against certain heroes like ls and ursa. u will have shorter burrow range but can save 1 life in a fight for free and make ursa useless.

        basic rule of thumb: if ur hero will function with a force staff instead of anotheri tem buy it against those low range carries who have low lockdown. not so good against am bs slark because they have catch but ls ursa type heroes u can ruin their game for 2k gold on a 3-5pos

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          i'd need to see those replays myself to tell you, but 9k player are really predictable, just don't watch his perspective

          gives me motion sickness XD.

          also, don't be stuck on itemization because that's really not that necessary


            The match where idk why he bought fs


     this is youtube link to radiance match cuz I cant find match id


                i see nothing wrong with his build, i'd buy the same shit


                  On the radiance match?



                    Look, there's the build you're good with, and there's the optimal build.

                    he went for the optimal build, i personally just never would go for arcanes, but the rest of the items seem pretty logical to me.

                    You gotta stop being fixated on the items, items don't matter as much.

                    you can just get used to the standard build so much that you can execute it better than the optimal build, that's what i did.

                    if your thought process can't pass over the items, then you're never gonna get to learning the actual game

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                      Hmmm...good point...i actually focus so much on items ..... I should be focusing on actual gameplay ty for the hint. ...dont get me wrong I DID learn a lot of stuff regarding how to deal with different lanes and matchups+ general mana management .... anyway thanks for the answers CUKI GOD