General Discussion

General DiscussionThey sell even low mmr accounts ....

They sell even low mmr accounts .... in General Discussion

    They sell even low mmr accounts .... Where can i post this to report this account 4.5 k solo mmr .. plays like 1900 mmr and ruins games in international ranked 3700 mmr ...
    He has like 4 wins in last 21 games but check in detail his jakiro and vengful spirit games, they just cheated to boost this acc to 4.5 k solo mmr and sold it to this guy who is now poisioning the community ... Was unlucky to meet him 2 times in a row

    edit : well i reported it and explained everything in both dotabuff and steam, hope it will work, there is no doubt that this guy bought acc which was cheated and boosted in india and south africa

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      His games are weird : - 9 min duration : slark 27-0 - 9 min duration : huskar 28-0 - 10 min - slark 30-0 - 9 min - huskar 28-0

      wtf ?


        He just made his acc private but its obvious this acc was cheated in low populated servers
        i dont know how maybe with bots, maybe someone played, but all his games are 10 minutes and now when he is playing in 3k mmr international ranked he loses every possible game and even blames on his teammates :D
        His mmr and skill are 100 % no more than 2k mmr and he will just ruin more games in higher mmr brackets .. Costs me 50 mmr 1 hour and very sad moments so i will invest evne more time to try get him banned


          2k? you are being generous, he deserves 0k like i do


            Yea, because getting him banned is gonna stop him from buying another account, or cut down account selling business, right? Oh wait


              intl rank is already worse but becoming more worse because of this acc buyers


                account buyers are still better than a team that picked all core


                  ^salty af


                    I doubt a 1k acc buyer would get an 11min vlads in troll in VHS


                      Account buying is a lot harder to do now that you need a phone number to actually play ranked, as well as you cannot get 4k right after calibration anymore. Moral of the story, get to 4k, and you won't deal with people right out of calibration.


                        I doubt a 1k acc buyer would get an 11min vlads in troll in VHS

                        i think he can since usually in vhs you have at least one support that actually babysits you


                          ^salty af
