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General DiscussionOfflane OverStomp

Offlane OverStomp in General Discussion

    What hero That can stomp 4k mmr below ?? Except razor because I already stomp my enemy( School Bets) in the last game through razor and they will surely ban him.. Mayber Viper?? please Recommend some heroes that just Fuck thier carry really hard
    P.S srry for my bad english

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      Can you rewrite this in English?



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              Ahh Offlane not mid heroes


                Aww i didnt see, axe, tide, brood, clock is decent too but i prefer pos 4 clock, earthshaker is A top offlaner now, add puck too


                  Necrophos is easy


                    Ursa is similar to razor in that u can easily punish positioning mistakes and zone them with your presence




                        counterpick their safe lane




                            I just pick axe, centaur, maybe slardar
                            basically once u get blink u can start shitting on people and punishing their positioning, its also fun

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              Timbersaw, Enchantress or Broodmother.

                              Everything else is a joke.

                              I am talking about making double/triple kills beyond tier-1 tower 5 minutes in the game.

                              You ain't gonna do that with garbage like Slardar or most of the shit mentioned here.

                              Only Broodmother, Timbersaw or Enchantress.

                              Counterpicking is a joke too. I whooped so many dumb Axes/Bristlebacks on Broodmother, that I lost count. "Counterpicking", yea.

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                              Yung Beethoven

                                Sandking, Timbersaw, Slardar imo




                                  defientley a pubstomper below 4k


                                    idk im yet to lose a lane to bristle as a solo lane antimage

                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                      I ain't gonna tell shit without backing it up.

                                      3-4k rating. My Broodmother ranked matches on this acc.

                                      Slardar doesn't do that, nor most of the shit mentioned here.




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                                      зачем я начал поиск

                                        And yea, Bristleback is garbage.

                                        mr. rabbit

                                          doubt this guy will be able to play brood/timber honestly

                                          mr. rabbit

                                            centaur wins lanes because he trades rly well and can 100 to 0 someone at lv 6/7


                                              Tutz just because you cant play CW doesnt mean he is shit.

                                              slardar is a roaming pos 4 now.

                                              If you really want to rape a safelane you can pick weaver, brood, timber, BB, LC.

                                              зачем я начал поиск

                                                Show me a 3-4k acc, where someone reliably stomps as an offlane CW (average 5+ KDA, high 500+ GPM would bw good, high XPM, at least 50 ranked matches), until then CW is in the same niche of heroes like Underlord.

                                                Abaddon can also stomp, but he doesn't win the lane hard enough. I can back it up.


                                                And yes, the thread is called "Offlane Overstomp", not "Offlane Ithinkthisshitstompsbutitdoesnt" and specifies 3-4k bracket.

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                                                mr. rabbit


                                                  i dont play anymore since i moved to league but cent was my main mmr spam hero

                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                    for utility offs like cent/underlord/slardar its not rly about ur gpm/kda or bullshit but the amount of plays u do that lead to objectives

                                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                                      Ok then.
                                                      I may try him later.

                                                      mr. rabbit

                                                        i also play carry offs (timber/brood) and the playstyle is really different from each other

                                                        so maybe its just a playstyle thing for you?

                                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                                          Not just playstyle.

                                                          On Brood I can reliably have at least one game in 24 hours, where I am 19-0, 16-0, etc.

                                                          I may do that or pick some utility stun-and-run hero and hope that my carry ain't brain damaged (which he most likely will be).

                                                          I don't like gambling against overwhelming odds.