General Discussion

General DiscussionGain MMR as Support

Gain MMR as Support in General Discussion

    First, I need good discussion such advice etc

    I have 2.1k MMR for now, I am not ashamed to admit because I want to improve my skill
    most of people just give shitty advice like 'git gud' or 'make new acc'

    Git gud. Yeah, I'm trying to improve by watching pro plays or downloading my match replay to analyze. But when in real match, our teammates is not always "try hard" as we do. And I really f*cked up bcz usually I play as support, what a sup supposed to do when the carry failed?

    Honestly Dota is new game to me, I've been playing it just 4 years now. Back then, I don't play ranked bcz I don't know what MMR is. I started my MMR around 2 years ago, and I got 1k MMR (lol), I do even reached my lowest MMR at 700 MMR.

    My question is :
    1. How do we win the game as supp? Does playing supp in 2k bracket is a mistake?
    2. Should I change my role?
    3. What advice do you have to me to get at least 3k MMR?

    thanks guys
    any respond is very welcomed :D


      Support in 2k lul, carries there arent reliable, if you want to improve play core first then go supp in 3k


        I'm a core player in around the same bracket, but these are the stuff I'd love my supports to do.

        If you can make sure your carry gets all the farm in safelane you're halfway there. or, if you can make sure your mid is winning, or your offlane isn't being zoned out.
        get strong laners like Lich or Silencer (best laner in dota) and give them Hell. In our bracket Safelane carries usually don't handle the pressure well and sometimes feed instead of playing passively in disadvantage.

        Buy smokes because nobody bothers to put sentry wards. and always be a step ahead by guessing where the next fight will be. Be that awesome support who comes out of nowhere and saves the carry from a gank (or even turn it around) due to good anticipation.
        win the warding game ( I have no clue how ). I hear in our bracket the wardings are terrible and are easily dewardable.

        And most importantly, be patient... many times I have seen carries fail (myself included) while supports do well. It's part of the game. If you want to solo carry your team, don't play support. but gaining MMR as support is very much possible even in lower brackets.

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          I know right, but it feel so wrong when my team dont have supp
          I should stop play supp then


            the problem is, I don't always have good core. I pulled creeps, stacking it, dewarding and sometimes my core got problem to get their items.
            I don't say I'm a good supp, but at least I try
            in 2k bracket, some people is give up easily


              Learn how to win all lanes in 2k. I believe core and supp has the same impact in the game and supp could solo carry the game too. However, i am 2k and i dont know anything about this game :D


                Even in 4k, people there sucks at picking, and people are slow to respond, they got 2000 ping in their brains, so if you are going to play support, pick a meta hero like visage, space cow or jakiro since they will have a lot of impact there


                  chances of your core being better than enemy core is 50% . with good laning, you increase that by a lot. add good rotations and wardings to it and It's more chance of winning than playing a carry with crap supports .

                  People always complain about cores being bad, but they should see supports in our bracket... they have no idea when to stack, when to pull, or even how to pull without shoving double creepwave into enemy tower, their harassing skills are crap, they just leech XP, they feed in duos and ping you for the rest of the game for their stupidity. To be honest I no longer mind being solo in safelane because supports are that awful.

                  If you're very good and deserve much higher MMR than your current bracket (If you feel like you're 5k), you don't even need good supports you can just destroy enemy by playing core.
                  Otherwise if you don't feel ultra superior to your bracket It's all the same.

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                  Dark Hunter

                    I usually play support. I'm 2.2k. Try to get a good ganking hero. I love playing shaman for that reason. Even if your carries are braindead 4 second stun is insane. Buy smokes, wards etc. Ward enemy jungle so you can gank. BUT MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL!!! DONT JUST STAND AROUND IN LANE! If you're going safelane support. Stack the medium(large?) camp close to the lane. Then if your wave is pushed in you can pull them into the lane at around xx:53 then you will stack and pull the lane (when your creeps reach the T1 tower). Zone the oflaner. If he's solo. Try to trade hits efficiently. as for the lategame, keep warding. buy glimmer cape, forcestaff, euls, mek. Whatever suits your hero. Don't be greedy and buy items that only benefit yourself. Thats all i can think of.


                      what do you mean by 'zone'?


                        zone = harass the shit out of the offlaner to let your carry farm uncontested


                          Ik how you feel... I calibrated 2.3k then ended up 2.1k from playing support....dont play support at 2k atleast until you're really good at the game..and no you're not supporting properly... because I used to think the same....I used to go like wwaaaaa waaa I buy wards and gank and giff tangas and shit but my cores suck....well after watching my own replays and pro replays I realised how much of a fucking shitstain support I am... I then climbed to 2.6k in 2 weeks now playing only sk advice I can give you is if you think you're good then force your team to play around you. You're a good earthshaker then play offlane/mid earthshaker dont support with him and end up with a 26 min blink cuz that shit is disastrous..... I can't give you much advice on earthshaker cuz I don't play him alot but if you want to learn him properly go analyze a replay of sumail/s4 playing him....dont iust sit and watch him running around raping everyone.....whenever he does something ask yourself why he did his clicking patterns in the laning his mana usage in lane.. tl;dr.....don't play support at 2k cuz you probably suck and don't know about it and your carries aren't competent enough to carry your ass....I myself want to gain mmr to learn to play support properly with competent players.


                            its hard to tell if you did your job as a support. a lot of supports like to blame their cores but they don't really contribute much to the game. so step 1, is stop blaming your cores.


                              Pretty sure the only game I lost with riki yesterday was when I was scouting endlessly while there was nothing worth the risk to scout for paired with a couple of needless death which delays everything


                                So, no, you don't need "reliable" cores to win in 2k as support
                                You just need to snowball them to victory


                                  Support role should control tempo of the game, maybe you play it wrong..


                                    Play carry also increase your support ability, because you will know what your carry need from support..


                                      Yes, games are won or lost on draft stage, so if your team picked luna, weaver and no meepo counter against meepo, expect to lose, cause retards scums pick what they want not what they need


                                        Yeah support also start from drafting, like picking winter wyvern to counter lc, or pick silencer against enigma

                                        Yukimura Siregar

                                          1. Treant Protector is the best support for me to dominate safelane (?) just one punch man that offlaner xD

                                          2. Well mid role is the best role to gain mmr in that average sir. Got 1,9k to 3k in -+ 3 days. (i used to have 4,5k account and dump it).

                                          3. My advices are : master mid role sir. 2.1k mmr right? if u cant play qop, arc warden, invoker. Try spam clinkz and weaver in mid (no one will buy dust or sentry that much in this average xD).
                                          Try to mute all chat including ur teammates u can find it in settings. I find it really useful, i can focus playing without getting flamed from out of nowhere. But its not recommended if u have bad sense, map awareness, etc.

                                          But please... u really really should play mid only or any core hero in that average.. its just so hard to play support there.. :"(


                                            Just a 1K scrub trying to help. What i usually do/want my support to do in my games

                                            1. Know your lane partner and enemy laner. What i mean is, for example you're laning with an AM against axe + any ranged. Dont ever try to go away from that lane (dont even try to pull etc unless there's 2 supports). The AM wont even get PT by 10 mins. But, if you're laning with say, viper/necro against someone not that aggresive say, enigma/magnus. Get away from the lane and let the carry get solo Exp. In that situation, you should roam,stack,etc

                                            2. I usually try to identify who will be the most annoying out of the enemy heroes. Say, there's a tinker/meepo in mid. I'll pick a roamer then camp mid and make sure his life is hell because i dont wanna deal with those bullshit dmg + splitpush. Or say, there's an jungle legion, i'll pick nuker and camp the jungle so i can feed on him before he feeds on me (A.K.A after blink+duel)

                                            If there's anything wrong with my post feel free to critize me. I'm also trying to learn

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                                              Thanks for the advises mate! really appreciate it. If any of you passed the 2k MMR and now have higher MMR (3k+), can I see your match before-after 2k?


                                                Dont see mine ty it has inflated stats. Anyway 3k and 2k had no difference


                                                  I magically skipped 1k mmr from 2k to 3k flat so no
                                                  I can only roam so I doubt I can give anything insightful


                                                    3k and 2k had no difference

                                                    Stop spewing bullshit out of your delusional arse, 3k isn't better than 2k, only less dogshit


                                                      My objective is to get 3k because I want to improve. "why not 4k/5k/6k?", well, who dont want it? I want, but step by step. I'm just trying to understand this game and get better MMR
                                                      When people just say "quit dota", or "get a life dude", it's not serious thing tho (at least for me). I still can laugh and joking while playing MMR


                                                        Only static lane support if u have a carry like Spectre or am or smth who needs u early, otherwise go win mid.
                                                        Roaming Riki or even tusk or kunkka feels very nice
                                                        Almost always if there is a cancerous dual offlane just leave ur carry, if u try to help u won't break even. Only stay and help if u have 2 supports and u know how to trilane.
                                                        If there is a solo offlane u can kill then stay, otherwise roam.
                                                        If u have a good laning carry like Ursa or maybe lifesteal then roam. It's rlly cancerous to be playing mid and get ganked 3 times by 7 min by multiple supports.

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                                                          The important thing when supporting low mmr player
                                                          1.make sure enemy support(if picked)doesnt have impact And become creep to your Carry
                                                          2.having good gpm And xpm with zero to 30lh(dont ask me How)
                                                          3. Make sure to tell them to RS in minute 30 with ward(Yellow And blue) around it.
                                                          4. Always bring tp And help ALL the Lane(dont ask me How)

                                                          basement :)

                                                            If you support in low mmr, you must pick a support that has big solo impact. These supports come to mind:
                                                            Winter Wyvern;
                                                            Skywrath Mage.

                                                            Buy Midas on every support that needs items because the enemy will not punish it.

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                                                              earth spirit is the best spirit.


                                                                2.1k is average. nothing to be ashamed of


                                                                  Pro tip: check your carry player stats. For example your mid player has 500+ av gpm stats and your safelane carry has 300av gpm. Do your best to win safelane and mid but if you cant just focus on winning midlane and let your mid player snowball.
                                                                  Another pro tip: stand in roshan and ping it over and over again . I feel this is more effective than other methods


                                                                    i dont know man im 50% supp last month and now im 40% sad vad


                                                                      If anyone wants to learn on how to lane supp (or laning in overall) like a 100 mmr, hit me up.

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                                                                      Yung Beethoven

                                                                        In my opinion you should play cores and supports to improve in the game and therefore gain mmr.
                                                                        It may be that you love nothing more than playing Support, but to know how to play against certain heroes you gotta know how they work


                                                                          "Pulling creep is not always good"


                                                                            Fx never pulls


                                                                              Because im roaming u idiot. Roaming warlock best warlock


                                                                                "Roaming" a.k.a "afking waiting for the enemy cour to come 5 minutes str8"

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                                                                                  silencer high impact support hahahaha sure


                                                                                    In cocnlusion, dont support in 2k, people there are slightly slower than 4ks


                                                                                      Hao to git vhs?


                                                                                        ^dont watch anime


                                                                                          never expected to get so much respond xD
                                                                                          thank you again

                                                                                          Story Time

                                                                                            silencer high impact support hahahaha sure

                                                                                            now that is offensive for a silencer spammer like me

                                                                                            Kenny Dope

                                                                                              My advice is play roaming support such as bh and riki, 2k players usually dont counter invis very well so you can abuse that


                                                                                                buy detection for your lanes if the enemy has invisible cores.
                                                                                                it irritates me when i have to buy my own sentries as a carry/mid but it's necessary so i do it even if my support doesn't.


                                                                                                  Anyone can buy wards, 60 or 100 gold item can save your life..


                                                                                                    Lmao guys you must be joking...
                                                                                                    I calibrated at 1.8k solo MMR and jumped to 4k by supporting in less than 1 year!
                                                                                                    My point is: Supports are as important as carries. This game is meant to be a 5v5 so never underestimate your position.
                                                                                                    Tips: If you want to gain MMR, you should spam a pos. and a couple of heroes.
                                                                                                    Idk i can give u a few tips in-game too, just send a msg :D!

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                                                                                                      In reality, as a support, you should "lead" your team, i believe that supports have better general knowledge than most carry spammers in <5k.


                                                                                                        Ya niBBa, it's always me leading the team, whenever they don't listen to me, the team gets wiped near rosh pit lol.
                                                                                                        It's rare to see decent supports but if you're one, you will gain MMR quickly.