General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is hidden pool and kite?

What is hidden pool and kite? in General Discussion
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    What are these words mean?

    meteor hammer

      kite= use disables to keep a hero from hitting you

      if sven gets galed by veno with gods strength on, and eveyrone walks away from sven before he can hit them, sven has been kited

      Use chatwhell=mute

        Okay then. What is hidden pool?


          hidden pool = dream world that mafioso and SLQ lives in

          meteor hammer

            some people think that the matchmaking system will put you in a group where you get matched with only other people in the "hidden pool"

            so you just queue for ranked, and either your 4 teams are all in the hidden pool, or all 9 other players are also in the hidden pool

            the people in the hidden pool are supposed to be ragers, game ruiners, and really bad players. So if people have a lot of horrible games, they think "wow, these games suck. am i in the hidden pool?"


              Hidden pool is an imaginary place when you are always met with toxic teammates to prevent you from getting mmr

              Take a note at imaginary

              This comment was edited

                "Imaginary" hmhm.


                  Hidden pool is where players with great skillz and talents meet and fight with/against each other.
                  It is also the place where love/harmony/cooperation is greatly shown and appreciated.


                    A kite is a bird that's related to
                    falcons and hawks/an object that people fly in parks....hidden pools are a form of smart engineering


                      Ever since I abandoned a game (not deliberately ofc) I have been in the hidden pool. Or so I think. Also the reason I'm losing so bad must be I'm exclusively playing on Russian server. It seems Russians playing in east eu server are way kinder, more polite and more fun to play with than those in Russian server.

                      Yung Beethoven

                        Kiting: hit and running from a mostly meele hero while using skills, items or jukes to do so. Kiting enemy heroes hinders them to kill you