General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp To Improve

Help To Improve in General Discussion

    So on all my most played except kunkka, which i'm working on, I have a 53-60% WR yet i can really progress in the MMR tiers as quickly as I'd like. My problem is I usually win my lane, I play mid, sometimes I lose, but I know how to recover. So I had around 10 kills as BS mid yesterday 3293986423, I said to my team, let's group and push for t1's and try for t2's. They sat in their lanes and said muted noob. All of them. I would like to learn how to effectively snowball without completely relying on my team, or how to help my team win their lanes. Any help appreciated, thanks!

    Mode : TOPSON

      how do u lose as kunkka mid ??


        still figuring this part out


          have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Kunkka carry sucks U need to stop playing that thing


              60% win rate is pretty good. You have unrealistic expectations on how fast you can climb MMR.

              It's like bodybuilding. Every one wants 20 inch arms but a'int nobody got time for the gym.

              Every one wants 6k MMR, but every one wants it yesterday.

              Keep playing. Keep improving. Keep trying to enjoy the grind.


                Also it's 2K. Kunkka mid is fine. Hell you could dazzle mid and still win the lane if you truly belong in a higher bracket.


                  i believe there are specific heroes that can EFFECTIVELY solo win games. Heroes that have splitpushability, have a way of flash farming, deal good tower damage, and are strong in most stages of the game. Also some kind of mobility abd escape as an extra option really helps. Heroes like slark, arc warden, luna, jug, meepo, and invoker are examples of such heroes


                    lol. you never gonna stop right?




                        He has been that way for awhile...
                        Try to figure out your hero's power spike and compare it to 9 other heroes in the game
                        Utilize everything you have properly, maybe playing support might help you get the hang of this
                        Also core kunkka rofl what the fuck XDDDD


                          ofc not, that's my thing.

                          you're not the only person i troll, gotta leave some room in my heart for others.

                          This comment was edited

                            but im the only you enjoy trolling, cause the others dont even realise it lol. still enjoyable but not the same feeling XD