General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to SOLO win games with huskar

How to SOLO win games with huskar in General Discussion
Vem Comigo

    I dont know, i really dont know how to play huskar, and i think that i yolo too much.

    So you max Burning spears, have 1 point in heal, and max passive, with 1 point in ult too at lvl 7-8.

    You build PTs, Armlet, Lifesteal.

    them wut? Halberd? Solar Crest? Tarrasque?


      You want to solo carry games with huskar....I guess you can't need a support oracle/dazzle + you need to be a god at toggling and decision making ...has nothing to do with items


        have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

        Vem Comigo

          sorry i want bluestars opinions

          I tried that but i cant burning spears dont affect buildings cookie


            wat u talkin bout, huskar passive makes your dps go way up, just drop low HP and hit shit with armlet.

            huskar is basically picked to destroy the enemy ancient as fast as possible

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              if you ask me i don't think you actually tried to destroy the enemy ancient...


                im pretty sure u max heal against physical
                always, i mean ALWAYS take ulti at 6
                lvl 6, and his armlet timing are 2 of huskars strongest powerspikes, if u can get both at once u suddenly become one of the strongest heroes on the map
                if ur behind it can be hard, however its all about knowing ur limits, when u can die and when u can live, and pushing ur hero to the edge
                ive been ganked, live with 100 hp, and get a double kill cuz of armlet toggle
                also make sure to use ur armlet to pressure the tower, u can siege very well when ahead
                i dont build treads all the time, sometimes u want fast armlet, then just build other effecient items, sometimes u need treads, sometimes u get em after armlet
                almost never buy heart on huskar, u cant farm for shit cuz ur hp is always full so u deal no dmg, u dont wanna heal outside of a fight u wanna heal during a fight, so satanic is almost always superior than heart. this is also why urn is dogshit on him, i see it a lot in my mmr but its so bad.
                usually u go some combination of ac, satanic, bkb, solar crest, halberd, and pike, and u buy mkb if they have evasion, and linkens agaisnt doom and duel, otherwise ur items are almost the same every game.


                  idk i just try to force things and keep dying until i lose lol

                  meteor hammer


                    this guy did it

                    idk i hate this hero


                      it feels super hit or miss, sometimes i make a huge comeback cuz im completely unkillable, and sometimes i fall super far behind and am basically a fat ranged creep, and its almost always one of those 2 extremes or something close to it.


                        sometimes i feel useless like in this game, where i needed my armlet as lina had a dd and was chasing me, it was on courier, and autism dazzle keeps saying "just let me use it for a little" over and over.
                        IM BOUT TO FUCKING DIE U DIPSHIT
                        yeh then i die and lina gets a free ultra kill and we lose

                        then there r games like this
                        we r super behind but im unkillable all of a sudden and we win
                        even this shit, where we were losing badly, then i just become relevant out of nowhere and carry the shit out of the team until veno becomes relevant with some farm.

                        Vem Comigo

                          I dont think u ever max heal first, it doesnt provide that much in the early game, compared with other skills.

                          I simply dont like how the hero plays by itself

                          idk i just try to force things and keep dying until i lose lol

                          just like me....


                            I dont think u ever max heal first, it doesnt provide that much in the early game, compared with other skills.

                            have u looked at the scaling of his passive tho?
                            the heal is what allows u to casually sit under tower and seem to always be on the verge of dying but never die
                            the passive is super useless if the enemy lacks magic dmg, the attack speed scales rlly badly, and the magic resistance is ok.
                            if u need the resistance it is considerable, but otherwise u max heal
                            like say ur against ta and troll and tide, wtf is ur passive good for?
                            on the opposite side if ur against zeus or lina with high burst the passive seems like a better option
                            even against magic DoT the heal is better

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                            meteor hammer


                              heal max 2nd done sometimes but rare af


                                How 2 huskar:

                                1. Don't
                                2. Pick Sven or Troll instead
                                3. Win


                                  4.Axe. .


                                    how do u have enoigh mana without treads tho


                                      watch bsj huskar

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        The build now do not involve morbid mask

                                        always armlet first rush > PT > Halberd > whatever (i prefer cuirass)

                                        always last pick
                                        source : my most played hero

                                        Story Time

                                          One hint for Huskar: get the hurricane pick :D say thanks for that later (when u go down in mmr and it will become easier to stomp in your shit bracket)

                                          casual gamer

                                            bsj huskar is actually really goddamn good afair


                                              Huskar is one of his most played heroes along with slark I think

                                              Story Time

                                                ^and yet i havent seen him in my games for ages


                                                  Cuz huskar is super situational rn

                                                  meteor hammer

                                                    i honestly should pay for bsj coaching. i have the money and it would be hilarious + a decent refresher


                                                      do it, i wud watch it no Kappa

                                                      Raj Limbasia

                                                        Dagon pretty strong on huskar.


                                                          Huskar aint great in low tier where ppl cant play a coordinated game. Huskar is best at co-ordicanted games with babysitting support mid game and prolly a drow start. Pick bs to stomp in 2-3-4k games..


                                                            Yall who suggest "pick other hero" please refrain from piling texts here


                                                              Oh shit.....a huskar god+plays with can never be so accomplished


                                                                Lol jd getting coaching from
                                                                Bsj? That would be entertaining.

                                                                But yea bsj basically keeps himself Low all the time so he farms fast then he just hits towers like a boss and armlet toggles.


                                                                  U want to be half health when farming
                                                                  I like heal max cuz it allows u to do that shit where u sit under tower and hit it until it dies, regenerating so fast they can't go on u.

                                                                  basement :)

                                                                    Huskar feels too weak this patch with buffs to Heaven’s Halberd. The supports can build this item to give time for the carries to build BKB.


                                                                      Huskar can go 20-0 in 10 mins.

                                                                      and then someone gets a halberd.


                                                                        Ban axe. Have a teammate pick oracle or dazzle. Walk at enemy towers.
                                                                        Rosh whenever rosh is up.
                                                                        Huskar dominate the lane, get your early armlet and if you aren't terrible you should not die.
                                                                        Win the game in 20 minutes.


                                                                          You don't always need to max Burning Spears. Lvl 2 Burning Spears is the most important as it is a 100% damage increase relative to the shitty level 1 Spear- level 3 and 4 provide smaller and smaller increases in your dps. Staying at level 2 or 3 Spears is often a fine choice if your other skills need a higher priority that game.

                                                                          You are underestimating how strong Huskar's heal is. Not only is it extremely powerful at low hp synergizing perfectly with your passive, but it is also Huskar's only spell that consumes mana. If you don't use it you have an entire resource bar just sitting there untapped.

                                                                          Ult at level 7-8? Why? I would very rarely not take it at 6, probably only if I'm behind. And if you're behind in lane as Huskar, well you've got problems.

                                                                          A big reason Huskar has a high winrate at high MMR is because their allies understand that Huskar is very strong when backed by the right heroes. They will almost always have Oracle or Dazzle on their team. Avoid picking Huskar vs Axe if you can't out right ban him.

                                                                          I wrote that shitty Huskar guide on PlayDotA almost a decade ago now. I was 14 or some shit. It got me into the closed beta for DotA 2 lmao. The game has undoubtedly become more nuanced and the average skill level much higher, but the hero is still functionally very similar. Dominate your lane with orb-walking, get your items and snowball.