General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's your go-to hero and role for gaining MMR?

What's your go-to hero and role for gaining MMR? in General Discussion

    What hero can you pick in a certain role and be comfortably certain that you are about to gain MMR?

    For me it's solo offlane Centaur Warrunner

    meteor hammer

      sb roam ss/silencer support zeus mid underlord offlane

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        lastpick od

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          Offlane lycan


            How do you win with offlane Lycan?

            meteor hammer

              with a lich? lol idk

              Mr. Perfect

                Necro mid or faceless void in any lane but usually safelane

                Mode : TOPSON

                  Juggernaut Carry rubick supp invo mid

                  GRANT MACDONALD


                    Start with tangos and either PMS or Stout + wand depending on who you think the safelane support will be.
                    Skill wolves and summon them at 20 seconds or so and move them into the spawn boxes for the small camp and hard camp but out of the way enough that they wont get killed if the support or carry notice them. With a 55 second life, they will block both camps until the 2 minute mark.

                    At this point if you have PMS and tangos you just hit the enemy carry and bully them away. The support will have no way to pull to get levels and will likely be in lane with the carry sapping their XP so you will outlevel both of them. Skill howl next and if you get in melee range, you can bodyblock, howl and get 2 shots on the enemy carry.

                    When you get enough CS, get your ROH and work towards HOTD. People say the item sucks but if you lane well you can have it in 6 mins. that's enough time to get a tomato bear and start taking objectives, a centaur or troll to gank with your 6, alpha wolf to speed your farm or a satyr to sustain your lane and even nuke down supports low on health.

                    It is all about abusing your power spikes. The traditional role of the offlaner is checked by Lycan. He farms easier than a cetnaur or a clock, has initiation, can sustain team and is an objective gobbler. Build necros next and basically just look for kills and objectives every time your ult is up.
                    I am sure this is 2.5k crap theorycrafting but i've gained a lot of mmr with the wolf. yes, I prefer the objectives build which I think is more viable on your 3 position since you should technically have a mid and a safelaner. I've also found that people in my bracket are astoundingly bad at taking objectives and Lycan does it better than almost any other hero in the game. You win by hitting buildings, not by getting a good KDA.

                    im sure it doesn't work at 3k, 4k or 5k but it works for me where I am now and dont see any reason why it cant work for others as well.

                    meteor hammer

                      ok viper mid is good too

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                        Medusa jungle ancient farm. 330 matches 70.00% winrate. Got me from 1100 to 3400 mmr.


                          First pick invoker


                            Safelane and roam


                              -AM spectre void
                              -BH SB WK
                              Not exactly reliable hero pool but they're my comfort picks so....


                                Mirana roaming. 100% arrow

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                                  Mid I just go Lina sf
                                  Safelane I go jugg or Sven
                                  Offlane axe
                                  Support I go ogre
                                  Roam I go kunkka or Riki
                                  Tho u can see in my profile that I barely play support

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                                  Spec Deck

                                    Arc Warden, Necro, and Sk


                                      arc mid/carry

                                      Mid or Feed

                                        CM Carry, Lich Carry, Lion Mid sure +25 😁


                                          SWM Lich CM Disruptor AA

                                          If somehow forced to playing core, Necro or Medusa last pick
                                          I'm shit as core though


                                            Visage, morph, Sven, silencer


                                              Invo, spectre, magnus mid


                                                Fuk all you necro Mirana pickers


                                                  ^ y tho


                                                    Windranger mid.
                                                    Or offlane if team is decent but mostly mid if I want to win.

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                                                      Gotta get my boys disruptor and jakiro in the talks. they gucci


                                                        First pick riki offlane core


                                                          First pick riki offlane core


                                                            TA, mid but it's conditional on certain factors. The first factor is whether RNGesus favored me and my invo ban went through. If it didn't and my team has first pick, the game is lost because invo will be first picked and go 1-5 or something in 10 minutes. If the other team has first pick though and they pick invo, we're golden because that's my favorite hero to lane against (all of my main heroes counter him pretty well and most 2k invokers are ass).

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                                                              2k 40% wr invoker spammer xd


                                                                viper mid weaver/pa safelane.



                                                                  Fee Too Pee


                                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                      Last pick mid countering enemy mid.


                                                                        Skywrath this patch also has solid wr on my side, support role


                                                                          last pick mid countering enemy mid

                                                                          which is basically viper
                                                                          necro if viper is banned
                                                                          razor if enemy picks viper first

                                                                          i've done the whole offlane thing. it's not as good as crushing mid 1v1.


                                                                            Underlord offlane, .. went from 4k to 4.6 in a month with him, amazing hero with great team fight presence and ability to defend pushes or split push when needed

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                                                                              Windranger - great mid, best offlane, amazing support.
                                                                              Opinion of 3k ns noob - no hate pls.


                                                                                KOTL and Sky Chicken lolz