General Discussion

General DiscussionReddit ?

Reddit ? in General Discussion

    What do you guys think about reddit /dota 2 ? I havent seen more mentaly challeged people on one place than on this site .They are all 2ks and 3ks and are experts about dota 2.


      almost as bad as u


        almost :)

        low prio master

          Im just suprised ppl are so activ there i wish this forum is more active even with Diox post.And be like ahh its full of 2ks 3ks....and what?We 2ks playing same game,have same fun...


            why would a forum be forbidden to average mmr players


              FLORIA N?


                i love reading reddit thead names , but not comments


                  i dont see how the posts here are any better

                  "give me tips"
                  "hau to rich veri hai skeel"
                  "brown boots BF AM"


                    Dota reddit is a complete disaster, don't think I've ever seen such a horrible sub reddit.

                    meteor hammer

                      full of complete retards

                      BSJ. LGD

                        i agree, they are retards


                          It's horrible.. not only the dota part...reddit is horrible...

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            At least morons get ridiculed here


                              the signal-meme ratio makes it tedious to get any useful info beyond the original post.

                              Story Time

                                I think the fundamental problem here is that only retards play dota and only even bigger retards go and discuss it in forums.
                                PS You cant spell "fundamental problem" without spelling "mental problem", in the end the problem is always mental


                                  The only thing reddit provides me is slight entertainment regarding those 50/50 EE twitch clips where he usually feeds and rages. Which I do enjoy

                                  Potato Marshal

                                    Reddit is filled with 1k and 2k support cucks who give half their regen to their carry, then run around with nothing but boots and half an item 30 minutes in the game because they bought 20 sentries.


                                      reddit community itself is retarded, I only enjoyed a few guides wrote by high mmr players. nothing else.

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                                        Reddit and Dotabuff are the same.

                                        white boy summer

                                          i only see whiny bitches who think supporting is masterrace and they think they get shit teammates and godlike enemies. delusional fucks here would be stomped to dust by cuki, but that site doesnt have him lul

                                          white boy summer

                                            the only thing its good for is to see esports news and bash NA LUL


                                              Yeah,and when they get a slap of reallity,they downvote and insult.

                                              Potato Marshal

                                                I will say that Reddit at least doesn't have all this Cuki circle-jerking or equivalent like here though. I don't know how this site managed to turn into a bigger circle-jerk than Reddit.


                                                  i dont think about reddit at all


                                                    Still better than dotabuff tho :happy:

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      I will say that Reddit at least doesn't have all this Cuki circle-jerking or equivalent like here though. I don't know how this site managed to turn into a bigger circle-jerk than Reddit.

                                                      D9/Sheever appreciation threads

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