General Discussion

General DiscussionCursed bracket

Cursed bracket in General Discussion

    Hey guys i am really wondering if i am cursed with dota match making because whenever i reach flat 3.2K, SOME1 is actually,really legit throwing i dont know why i am really frustrated and depress it this FU8K1NG GAEM. help please any advice..

    死の恐怖 Haseo



        maybe it's because that's where you're meant to be :thinking:

        Eat Soup With A Fork

          Try to counter other heroes with more than underlord, I know it kinda sucks but if KNOW how to counter better it may get 100+ or 200+ MMR

          lone dog

            Just stop losing then.

            Mlada i Luda

              lul, thats some rly funny shit. 1 advice stop watching this from the "witchcraft theories" but just try to fix or improve something about your gameplay that you already know that you need to work on it, or in underlord especially, or just watch a replay of your or from a higher mmr, and than start working on that, im sure that will help you to break that " invisible wall" that you hit , if yo uwant it so much dont let in the hands of fate. " oh god i hope my team doesnt sucks in my next 2 games ".that shit doesnt work . if you do as i said im prety sure you will make the difference rly fast, in the other side if you jsut keep playing over and over again with same mindset nothing is gonna change.


                I had that with 3.5k, i would hit 3.6k flat then lose 2 games for like 2 weeks straight. Hurts the soul

                < blank >

                  4.5-4.9 is cursed


                    man i wish i could win the next 2 games fml... if i lose again i am gonna loss my faith with sea rank dota.

                    Mlada i Luda

                      stop wishing . work for that