basically this^
it wouldnt matter if low mmr people didnt insist that mmr doesnt directly translate into the ability to win games.
every time they make some retard argument and i look at their profile and theyre low mmr my brain stops actively considering shit (ie the guy saying to play caster ember before 7.00)
That's a lie sold to the masses to keep people addicted to dota. It's the carrot on a stick, keeping playing and your mmr will get higher!!
Actually I'm joking, that is what it is, but do you know why mmr exists? It's for matchmaking purposes, hence matchmaking rating. It's to ensure even matches where both teams have a roughly equal chance of winning, which is supposed to make things more enjoyable.
People want a higher indicator of skill without getting better at the game.
Since the only thing MMR is good for is a measurement of skill, wanting to "have higher MMR" without "getting better at the game" is paradoxical at best, and borderline retarded at worst.
mmr isn't a measurment of skill it is a measurment of your ability to win ranked dota games
if you don't agree with that, ask yourself how slacks was 4k when he started getting coaching from purge
skill is such a undefined word, I don't even know why people use it, almost as useless as the overuse of "gg" or "pro" in the community
mmr has the purpose of matching you with people who have the same probability as you to win a game and for online dick measurements in the community
it is mostly used to deflect or brag about your match performance
why do people care about it?
its the only number that can describe how well you play dota besides maybe your winrate which becomes mostly irrelevant when you reach high number of games
benefits of having a high mmr?
you are playing with people who are better and will with it become better yourself if your goal is to improve your playstyle
the rest are dick measurement purposes if you care about it
getting better at dota doesnt really mean anything. its not like you will go pro or w/e. also higher mmr doesnt mean you are actually getting better, just winning games. you learn far more from games you lose. tbh prob the main reason people want to raise their mmr is because they think they will have better teammates the higher their mmr goes but even at 7k you get shit players so its all a lie.
mmr is not completely trustable. i saw a lot of people cheat-on-kinda-their-way like having a friend against them to feed, or searching ranked games with 10 different accounts with using sandbox at rare-population servers and different settings or so.
ofc u ll improve your mmr with playing, but is it worth it to have kids or toxic people to deal? , idk.
for me best way with enjoying dota2 is only party with my friends. thats my way to having fun from dota2 without dealing bullshit teenagers or mr. im better than everyone types.
if you on your own, key of finding decent games is having high mmr. but trust me , even you got 7k, u still going to have bad games or toxic players , or idc mmr types.
for me mmr means pretty nothing if you not have a goal to become a pro player or gain money from dota2.
but lots of people know high mmr players generally boosting low mmrs to gain money, so it might help if you thinking about it.
Only reason I want higher mmr is so I can play against players who are higher skilled then me and so I can improve in the game.
Mmr has no benefit in real life other then mental satisfaction which is I guess what everyone is looking for in the end unless you get into a pro team.
I don't want higher mmr, I want to win games. Higher mmr just happens. I mean I think I'd be happier at 2k if I won every game vs going like 50/50 at 3k.
improving at a game that doesn't help u improve ur physique means absolutely nothing unless you are planning to go pro.
and since ur questions included "for your life"....then the answer is still absolutely nothing...this game destroys ur life lol.
same argument could be used at ''salary is just a number, it has nothing to do with your wealth.''
why am i bringing this up?
well simple, if you were to work for only 1 month and gotten paid once $10000
but the fact is, salary is something you get over a longer period of time like a year.
so a guy who gets paid 2000$ a month will be wealthier, as he in 5 months would've gotten the same as the first guy, and in 10 doubled.
in dota terms:
even if you spam necro/viper/pugna right now and get a couple hundred mmr, without improving in skill, after that hero gets nerfed or meta changes the system will simply return the inflated mmr.
what i'm saying is a 2.0k will play like a 2.0k
a 2.5k will play like a 2.5k
even if that 2.0k starts using whatever stupid hero/method to win, without changing in skill, and get to 2.5k.
after that gets nerfed or meta changes, they will simply return to 2.0k
even if he was ''just winning games''
so objectively speaking
a 2.0k is a 2.0k in skill
a 2.5k is a 2.5k in skill
a 3.0k is a 3.0k in skill
a 3.5k is a 3.5k in skill
regardless if they're winning or losing temporary, mmr is a measurement of your impact in a game/ability to win, which means it's a measurement of your skill.
so my idea about mmr is that short term fluctuations don't matter.
Why do people care about fashion, why don't they just wear clothes that's comfortable?
Same logic.
because there is a clothing etiquette? but you probably mean "so that people think highly of you" but tbh no one gives a fuck
i feel bad for ywn he could be on pro scene if hes not a weeb.
oh wait , ee is still on pro-scene
which i believe he completely not deserve to be.
competition, pure and simple. if it were just unranked, i would play a lot less and what i play unranked for - just for fun.
mmr allows us to compete when we're too lazy to compete in anything else (i used to play sports, and i don't "compete" at my job). dota doesn't provide any value to my life other than a bit of entertainment and an outlet for gitting gud at something.
it's an indicator of certain abilities, but to say that it's an objective measurement of skill is just plain WRONG
cookie just keeps spamming every thread mmr = skill, while in fact it makes zero sense, as there are tons of people who spam 4-5 mid heroes, reach some mmr and absolutely suck at everything else.
as for your salary example.. you couldn't be further from the truth dear cookie. salary has nothing to do with wealth. I can earn 2k a month and spend so much that I have nothing left, while someone earning 1.5k can save up some money and in the end he is the one who is wealthier.
this is what happens when people from balkans think they're something. They inflate their status and abilities cause it makes them feel good and less insecure. go back to school, since you obviously lack some fundamental understanding.
i get tired when i see that on every shitty mmr thread cookie comes with his narrow minded dogma. you_are_wrong_cookie. deal with it.
go on cookie, show me your screens where you brag about winning streaks where in fact you played party ranked. anyone can get a streak with party ranked. try playing support in 2k and climb up, see where you end up :D
there are literally SO MANY factors, starting from behavior score as the most important factor, your abilities, the heroes you play, the time of the day you play, time of the year (i.e games are much better now than a month ago since school started and the biggest toxic kids are busy)...
big cookie, that writes a CM guide here that wins all 3 lanes, yet fails to say what happens when you want to go TA mid but some other idiot goes dual mid (which is often tbh), what happens when you get no courier and wards from supports so you have to buy them yourself and delay your items, what happens when others start fighting on other lanes and just go afk jungle, what happens this what happens that... literally so many things can happen in a game, and there is a limit to what you can do with certain heroes or roles in order to compensate the lack of skill in your team
MMR represents your ability to win a game with strangers in a public game. Skill is a factor, nothing more.
For instance, cookie's skill is around mid 4k, which he has proven many times by his really terrible guides and his half assed knowledge, but still managed to get 6k, due to the fact that he realized that arc warden is a hero that can splitpush without being punished.
That's why we have so many imbalanced games, there are people who are good allround players ("real" 6k players) and then there are others who are downright terrible when they don't get their hero or role ("fake" 6k players). I put fake and real in "" since technically both achieved 6k without using cheats, but one player is superior to the other in tournaments for instance.
I achieved 7k by spamming meepo/TB/ember in games and that's it. If people would ban those heroes heroes from me I'd not perform good anymore. A "real" 7k player would stomp me so hard if I were to play mid 1v1, hell even a 6k player would do that, since my mechanical skills are dogshit compared to other mids.
I might actually try this right now, I'll see if I can beat a 7.6K player 1v1 SF. I'll see how shit I'd be compared to him. Brb with edit.
Guys it doesn't matter if you spam a hero or not, if you play arc warden at a 6k level then when you pick arc warden yes you belong in 6k games. Jeeze. Who cares if you suck on axe or tb or whatever cus you aren't picking that. That's why randomers are the worst.
It's like basketball, you don't say a guy like kyrie irving, a top 10 player in the league, sucks because he plays no D. You just cover his ass on D and keep him for his elite offense.
yo anyone has a spare super low mmr acc I could borrow? 1 - 2000 mmr range would be fan fucking tastic.
when you start to accept yourself as a person and everything like your skills in this game, mmr is no longer a hindrance to how you approach and learn this game.
many people who chase after mmrs are people who have very little self esteem of their own true abilities, they need the mmr in order to feel more superior than others.
but for the humble one, mmr is nothing but an indicator of your current skill levels which may fluctuate alot in the short run, but eventually converge to a point indicating your true level in dota 2 in the long run.
i have reached 6.5k at my highest and I don't feel that I am good at all in this game, so there is always something to learn, just like in life.
well it's just a game, it really doesn't matter if you are good at it or not (unless you're literally on team liquid or something), it's just a way to have fun and pass time. Winning is more fun than losing, thus I try to win, but that's it. I play ranked cus people try harder to win. That's it. I really don't care about mmr. But saying accept yourself in game is a little too deep. More like, enjoy the ride?
MMR represents your ability to win a game with strangers in a public game. Skill is a factor, nothing more.
For instance, cookie's skill is around mid 4k, which he has proven many times by his really terrible guides and his half assed knowledge, but still managed to get 6k, due to the fact that he realized that arc warden is a hero that can splitpush without being punished.

boom 2+2 is 4 minus 1 is 3 quick maths
everyday mans on the block
smoke trees
see your girl in the park
that girl is uckers
when the ting went quack quack quack
you man were ducking
hold tight i sneak
hes got the pumpy
hold tight my man
hes got a frisbee
i trap trap trap on the road
movin that cornflakes
rice krisbies
hold tight my girly whitney
on the road don ten toes
lhama toes
u man thought i froze
i see peng girl then i pose
if shes not on it im ghost
ha look at your nose
what? you dick head
look at ur nose
nose long like garden hose
tshhhhhh u get me
mans gonna come back in
you know u like that ayyye
u feeling that ayyye
you dunno
i see you shivering and that
dont get shook man your protected and
lets go
hop up the four door with a 44
it was one two three and four
chillin in the corridor
your dad is 44
and he is still calling a man for a draw
let him know
when i see him
im gonna spin his jaw
take my twix by force
send man shock by force
your girl knows ive got the sauce
no ketchup
just sauce
raw sauce
yo gaah
the ting goes
pap pap ka ka ka skidi boom pap pap and a pu pu drr boom
tuu tuu ku ku boom boom
poom poom
you dunno
big shaq
ka yo yea yea
i ra
fat fire mans not haux
i tell mans not hot
the girl tell me take off your jacket
i tell mans not hot
man can never be hot
prespiration king
lynx a fit
you dunno
holy shit , surpisingly for me! danishblunt the only one making sense. but isee the op is asking why people care about mmr and waht benefit they have from higher mmr. not waht it represent. about waht it represent danishblunt is 100% right i would add some extra arguments on it also but the op not asking for that. why people care? its in human nature on being competitive , sometimes on games more than in anything else , its the adrenalina that sports and games give to us on that aspect some take it more seriosly some less. its a personal matter why people care i dont think all have same reason. and about benefits, well mostly of the time the benefits are ireal ( they not real they only in your mind). for ex, everyone like 99% wants to play in a higher brackets that he already is cause things that the game will be more enjoyable there, many of them also regret for that ,usually the ones that strugle to achieve that mmr and they cant play there for a long period would damage theyr mental health. there are also real benefits. but very few , like sumail ,or miracle will get spoted for theyr higher mmr and theyr skills and they can go pro, some others with some connection can be coaches , cause people if they see a high mmr that is good at talking will belive everythin he says .some can stream and shit like this. but i would say 90% of the players want higher mmr for better game quality cause they think game will get better as mmr rise. and from my experience i would say this is not completely true, cause eventually your exeptations will get higher . and this way you will probably end in a endles circle.
after all this is the "goal" of gaben to make players addicted so the game will not die ,this is the "goal " of every busines actually.
@chocolatefudge. thats right son. that thing about balkan also 100% correct im from balkan myself so ican aprove it . but dont fall in same "trap" that i used to be in the begining when i had my first talk with cuki. all his past all that effort i mean that he put in dota and he is a teenager , well something can be learned only with the time . prety sure some years later he will reflect and understand the reality i know that cause that happened to me also, but for momment that thing is i would say imposible for sure for every tenager /kid that plays dota a lot.
nothing , friends and people usually tell me im idiot even playing video games but w/e
i gona quit soon since i have things to do
Its human nature to what to be good/compatative, as a society we have grown to a point where we what others to know we are good.
In the community its known/accepted that solo mmr generally represents the average skill level of a player.
I haven't played ranked yet still lvl 19.
But say i did one day achieve high mmr it wouldn't benefit my life much presay. How ever it would make me feel good just like reaching any self goal in life, geuss i could also be in a position to help others which is nice. Probably just feel good knowing that time spend you improved in what you have chosen to spend your time in.
If you play enough pubs, and get gud you may be able to beat 5k players as a 3k maybe. If you spam ranked you'll get tilted and you'll may fall into depression due to the toxicity of your teammates. if you don't have enough time to play like 4/6 ranked a day don't even bother on ranked.
the major flaw in chocolatefudge's argument that mmr != skill is that he thinks that being able to win by playing 5 mid heroes doesn't make you skilfull.
It does.
Being able to win by afking in base for 10 minutes, and then split pushing means you are skillful. Actually, I'd be impressed if someone were to pull that off at high MMR.
But saying that winning the game (which is what MMR represents) isn't skilful is your lack of understanding of what skill AT THE GAME MEANS.
Skill at the game isn't getting perfect chronos. It isn't being perfect at last hitting. It isn't having perfect understanding of what's going on in the game.
The only thing you can truly measure is whether you win or lose games. You can be "skilful" at everything, and have 44% winrate, because you do not understand how to win the fucking game. And that's the point. People who show amazing moves in chess, yet never win games, or get to play major leagues, ARE SIMPLY NOT SKILLFUL ENOUGH. People who use some dumb moves to win most games are MORE SKILLFUL.
BTW people who spam 1-3 heroes don't start losing MMR when a new patch rolls out, instead, they just learn the new OP shit. Spammers will spam different shit if they are... SKILLFUL.
I do not care.Blue star is only mark for real nerds who spent part of their life getting better at dota instead of getting better in real life.More dota you have played more autistic useless person youre become,important is find balance, have other activities,friends,family,etc...if you do that you never reach 5k mmr as a casual player.All these 5k kids dont even know how sun looks,what exploring mean or for example what love is.
More mmr equal better oppurnities in life , money , friends , women all increase the higher mmr you get .
@chocolatefudg only way your argument could be correct is if you were literally burning that money instead of using it to buy things.
your skill level
your mood
your abilty to communicate with people / animals
All three of those things require "skill".
Skill = skill,
ability to not tilt = skill,
effective communication = skill,
hence mmr = skill. ∎
Imo dota improved my communication skills when i had a 1000 hours on dota. Idk about last 2000. Hopefully it will help me. Btw dota is a bad game in low mmr. Cuz ppl with mental issue disorder players play the game.
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