league is a clearly inferior game to dota but i can get behind liking their champions based on looks. Side note kimi no na wa was great
weaver when his texture glitched and his legs become invisible...dayum
that long sausage
honestly QOP is the hottest by far
pa with arcana is best no question
then maybe a tie between luna, windranger, lina and cm
As male hero Injoker is hot af, too bad for that huge ego tho.
And I can't decide between Qop and Lina.
id say both
most of these "hot" dota pics make them look like men (super muscled/big) and/or their breasts are bigger than 10 kg watermelons (exaggerated japanese style)
and then its "hot" pics of video game characters in the end, i guess comparing it to "hot" peach and "hot" super mario kinda shows how unappealing this is (for me)
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I reckon pa with arcana is pretty hot. With arcana her ass is nice and round but without arcana it's flat as hell.