General Discussion

General Discussionwhy are my teams so good

why are my teams so good in General Discussion

    I wonder why Im the only one who gets the best dota has to offer every single game. Not 50% but 100% of the time... weird, Kind of irritating at the same time though.

    Riguma Borusu

      good shit

      People often forget that no matter what in the end they get the average that their bracket has to offer anyways


        @Lanaya 'cause you prolly have a bhs that is close to 10k.

        Phase boots-dagon SF going 7-17 then coming into your safelane to steal your farm 'cause he lost mid is so common on Dota, especially in 3-4k hmhm. Or the autistic Skywrath mage trash talking jungle Doom all game long 'cause poor kid he wanted to roam but that bad guy went jungling, so decides to afk with shadow amulet on the rune spot after feeding and trash talking. Or a billion of other examples. So common, so average.

        The DarKNovA

          Believe me EZ HIDDEN POOL, having close to 10k bhs was a curse, not a blessing, at least if you were above 9.9k. I had some leaver, intentional feeder at least every other game. Sometimes 2 leavers in a row. I heard that the ideal score was somewhere between 9 and 9.5k, but couldn't get myself to abandon or be toxic in any game.
          Anyhow, I will have to see how the new ranking system treats me, but I kind of don't wanna get back to playing until the next patch, because some refreshment is long overdue.

          Friendly player

            I don't think bs even means anything to the matchmaking. I had 9k bs before the update, now it says normal, some games my team blames me for loosing mid, everyone is so aggressive sometimes, loose one lane even though i was asking for help and i get reported by atleast 1 guy.

            Edit: i never actually loose midlane, my opponents usually go jungle and gank other lanes.

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            The DarKNovA

              Well it's pretty difficult to loose midlane, I mean I'm no geologist, but the terrain looks pretty solid there for anyone to loosen it up.
              Then again, despite not having first hand experience with it, I think the stupid mates are partially the fault of playing at 1.5k mmr, there's only so much bs can affect there.

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                "some games my team blames me for loosing mid, everyone is so aggressive sometimes, loose one lane even though i was asking for help and i get reported by atleast 1 guy." if you go only through this, sometimes, this is heaven compared to low bhs games lmao. Actually this is what normal Dota looks like, you have a small chance of getting matched with toxic people and every once in a while you do, ok. But man I swear, you can't imagine the level of retardedness low bhs games reach. And not just sometimes, almost always. Let's be serious, where do you see phase-dagon SF? Ah and aghs first item. Not even in 300 mmr avg games.

                "having close to 10k bhs was a curse" lolol dude you have no idea what you're talking about and I'm glad for you that you don't, don't ever do something that will lower your bhs or you'll see what happens and change your mind (and prolly delete dota, which is what I should do).

                The DarKNovA

                  Nah, I know real low bs is the most toxic of all, but due to reasons, almost 10k is worse than a few hundreds lower, that's what I came to understand from many posts on the topic. Partially because smurfs and new accs who didn't communicate with team mates at all will have top tier bs too.


                    Lanaya your an idiot.


                      same here

                      i feel like i often play against russian 5-core greed lineups, while my team picks hero with early peak, and often we completely destroy them and they start flaming like mad men. at least its this way in ranked matches

                      i play roaming, every match its the same.

                      1. enemy team pick dual offlane or a jungler
                      2. i sit mid keeping the midlaner away from creeps and out of XP reach and often kill him 1 or 2 times
                      3. he asks for help
                      4. nothing happens and i kill him again
                      5. some support tps to his tower places a ward and just sits under his tower leeching xp
                      6. i go in and the support dies
                      7. the whole enemy team cries in all chat
                      8. win

                      i feel like 3ks have no clue how to play dota

                      Friendly player

                        If you say 3k's dont know how to play dota then what's the difference between 1k and 3k?


                          3ks can last hit in lane and dont buy blademail/daedalus on every hero, also they sometimes push out waves instead of sitting in jungle unneeded

                          and they started to use mics and communicate

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                          chicken spook,,,,

                            3k pick slightly better than 1k


                              I've see this thread b4 i swear BUT BETTER AND MORE AUTISM