General Discussion

General Discussionany of you guys have formal vocal musical training?

any of you guys have formal vocal musical training? in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    Sometimes I like to sing too but my voice is so limited: more or less just a single octave vocal range, a non existent falsetto(when I attempt one I could only manage a squeak) and attempting higher notes just strains my throat.

    are higher notes attainable just by training alone? Or is there a certain degree of biological luck that you need to be able to physically get there?

    Speaking of biological luck, I really like singing some Aerosmith but when I just get to the falsetto-y parts I just squeak. I could perfectly sing this song though, that all my other tenor friends could never dream to sing at my level

    fine when I do for the shits and giggles, but what else can I sing properly at my range? Probably singing at soprano and there aren't too many popular soprano songs especially at this age

    Any of you guys sing at a serious degree? maybe in gigs and stuff


      Considering you're a dog we will be more patient with replying on your threads.

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        Thabk you


          i don't sing but i used to play the accordion and the piano

          mom said it's my turn to ...

            I used to have a cheap electronic keyboard and tried self teaching reading musical notes for a brief moment, all before my then 7 year old brother jumped on it like a trampoline in an attempt to make music himself

            Anyway cookie did you get lessons to learn playing those? How good are you if you could say so honestly yourself?


              i haven't played anything in like 3-4 years, i went to like a musical school thingy for like 5-6 years or something, so basically all my skill dissipated.

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              mom said it's my turn to ...

                ^Trying to do a husky voice is just as hard as attempting a falsetto for me. only possible if I actually have like a partial sore throat and deliberately try to sing

                Riguma Borusu

                  I never trained my voice, and I can sing about an octave and a half, and all my stuff is recorded that way, I never did any training, I just accepted it and composed around having a really deep voice and small vocal range.


                    good voice deep blowjob

                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                      You got any material I can check out?

                      Riguma Borusu

                        I have only unfinished stuff since I dont bother recording anything complete when it is in demo stage (I need to re-record everything so I do not bother). This is kinda stuff I am talking about: I have a deep voice and it is not very present but I like metal, so I make do with it.



                          i like to put a falsetto in my mouth

                          Palmen aus Plastik

                            If you're serious, I can help. I'm in a band meself, play the lead guitar and, to your good fortune, sing. But this seems like hardly the forum for this lol.


                              Who needs singing when you can spit barz HOMIE


                                buy a singing lesson, u wont be able to do this on ur own its simple as that

                                pay 20$ for a singing lesson once a month, and go on from there.


                                  " Probably singing at soprano" you are man and can sing soprano??? if you can just sing clean soprano it`s awesome. But if you are tenor than can you scream, or try something like Dream Theater or Hammerfall? If you don`t have voice non than you don`t. Ther is no teacher who can learn you how to get nice voice.