General Discussion

General DiscussionMy imagining of what 7.07 Bounty Hunter cancer would be like

My imagining of what 7.07 Bounty Hunter cancer would be like in General Discussion

    A year and a half ago, I picked Bounty Hunter three games, played him as a carry, and lost all three, I was not aware of the Bounty Hunter meta at the time, how powerful he was when played as a support, a month later, Bounty Hunter is nerfed. Half a year later, I picked him six more times, only won once, I couldn't get success with the hero, I was obviously playing him wrong, because I was a terrible player, I didn't think that Bounty Hunter would become my most played and favorite hero, with my winrate becoming over 60% from patch 7.00 onwards. I didn't get to experience the Bounty Hunter meta, and I want to live an imaginary dream of having it, and indulge my thoughts in this forum.

    My patch to 7.07 Bounty Hunter:
    1.Tracked enemies don't know they are tracked

    2.Tracked enemies now leave a trail of footprints for the entire Track duration which grants 16/18/20% bonus speed to Bounty Hunter and allies near it(allies on footprints also get the bonus gold, the bonus speed from being near a Tracked enemy hero is still there, but does not stack with the footprint's bonus speed).

    3.Replaced Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade, instead of double Shuriken Toss bounce and +0.74 stun, Bounty Hunter and allies receiving bonus speed from Track can now run through trees, cliffs and units, like Centaur's agha. Movement and teleporting abilities and items now also leave behind a trail, even a Town Portal Scroll or an Ember Spirit's Activate Fire Remnant leaves behind a trail!

    Lvl 9 -6 Shadow Walk cd or +75 Cast Range
    Lvl 13 Jinada applies Disarm(If you play HON you will enjoy this) or Shuriken Toss +0.74 sec stun
    Lvl 17 +30 Agility or +75 Shuriken Toss damage
    Lvl 21 +100 damage or Shuriken Toss applies Jinada slow on every hit(stacks with Disarm talent)
    Lvl 25 -5 Jinada cooldown or double Shuriken Toss bounce

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    Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

      Lol that hero would be stupid with those changes. I agree he needs a buff but a perma centaur buff with ags? Really?


        I didn't write about this hero needing a buff, but yeah really, just two of my changes is enough to make you forget the Necrophos meta.


          shuriken double bounce is sick man

          but bounty hunter doesnt get lvl 25 ever man

          This comment was edited

            Is the whole purpose of "+0.74 sec stun" to be buffed later on another hypothetical patch to "+0.75 sec stun" when people feel the hero is weak and needs a buff?


              thats not cancer its just simply stupid mate

              one-man bukakke

                dont get your point

                chicken spook,,,,

                  what the fuck am I reading


                    this is the most unnecessary change ever
                    if this was a change directed towards a hero like gyro id understand
                    but even then
                    even gyro, arguably the worst hero in the game rn, wudnt need buffs like that

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I think I have a cure for your condition, it is called euthanasia.

                      Mode : TOPSON

                        Hmm 53% wr on 5k :thinking:

                        meteor hammer

                          bh can already be played as a carry in ur mmr :V


                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            Honesty, I really like the footprint idea, 6.84 was also a bounty hunter era, and than track got nerfed to not provide AOE vision, and just a vision on the hero, which immediately trashed the hero and led to 6.86 huge jinada buff (which is the bounty meta you talk about, than jinada got rescaled to be much weaker early)

                            So a vision nerf dumped him in the past, and now, with vision being more relevant than ever (nightstalker, monkey king, nyx, veno, clock, all provides so much vision) that may be proven really useful

                            Although that would kind of counteract the first buff since the enemies could probably notice the buff in MS, revealing that they may being tracked

                            Personally I don't like the aghs buff, you compare it to centaurs ult, but centaurs ult is 4 seconds, and at max level has 60 seconds cd, so it has to be used sparingly, you don't just pop it trigger happily

                            Unobstructed movement is strong, very strong. Only handful of heroes have this in one form or another, and even than it usually integrated in the hero playstyle (like bat, mk, earth spirit, storm or ns) or isn't trigger happy (like Centaur or ember spirit)

                            If you add this to track, that means that ALL the team would pretty much have the unobstructed movement the WHOLE fight duration, and also when you chase someone, juking would be pretty much impossible, as well as being able to gank the bh

                            And it isn't like you have to worry about wasting the cooldown, that's track, it pretty much built to be spammed whenever possible...


                              Hahahaha what a pity that I didn't get to play Bounty Hunter back then when it was meta, and I was 1k mmr at the time so no one played it as a support and I didn't get to experience its cancer, the hero used to be as cancerous as the Necrophos we have now huh? That's why almost all of you are reacting that negatively, even though I wrote "Cancer" in my title so you wouldn't take it seriously.

                              Shuriken Toss has a 0.1 sec stun, increase it by 0.74 sec and it becomes 0.75, the agha upgrade we have now also increases the stun by 0.74 sec.


                                bounty hunter has great wr now, why would someone buff him?

                                The DarKNovA

                                  0.1 + 0.74 = 0.84, you know.

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    Maybe that's 0.74*0.1?

                                    0.074 seconds stuns seems legit


                                      oh is that so

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Am I missing something, why are you adding even more talents by having them at every 4 levels after 9?


                                          Because its 7.07 patch, which is the next patch we are going to get, it's confirmed that every hero would have five talents in this patch, starting from lvl 9 then 13 and so on.

                                          The DarKNovA

                                            Where was it confirmed, again?

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              Don't believe everything you read, even I posted fake 7.07 patch notes that got circulated as real.

                                              mosquito net on my feet
