General Discussion

General Discussionhoney or maple syrup?

honey or maple syrup? in General Discussion


    Riguma Borusu

      Whichever you like better, they are both shit healthwise (well at least in comparison to just good ol' glucose), but I prefer honey if I have to pick one. I just like it with tea so there's that.


        what about specifically on waffles and pancakes?

        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          We don't really have maple here, but honey we got plenty
          In fact I sometimes steal a bottle from the local honeymaker


            honey is shit health-wise? really? I mean actual honey, not artificial.

            For taste alone I greatly prefer Maple syrup though.


              honey is highly acidic and fucks up your teeth and stomach big time.

              also in order to get honey they they have to take away the honey from the bees which is their food naturally.

              they replace it with sugared water which has close to no nutrients only calories, which leaves the bees immune system on a horrible state.

              which in turn leads to all kinds of bug infestastions and the phenomen we see today of bee hives dying all over the place.

              bees dying all over the place is bad, because they are essential for our food chain. in china they already use humans to transfer polls between plants because there are no bees left. unfortunatly here in EU we dont have such cheap labour...

              many smart people said the destruction of humanity starts with the extinction of the bees

              TLDR stop eating honey


                best thing by far is date syrup try it


                  What is maple syrup made of?


                    when you hit a tree and wound its bark, theres a goo-ish juice coming out, the one of the maple tree is sweet...ofc add some sugar

                    Riguma Borusu

                      honey is shit health-wise? really? I mean actual honey, not artificial.
                      For taste alone I greatly prefer Maple syrup though.

                      The fructose content of honey is kind of really bad for the liver. Also the combination of acids and the solution that is super saturated with sugar in general just isn't healthy. The minerals and vitamins you get out of honey would be healthy, if they were in much higher relative concentrations. The thing is, to get any useful micronutrients you need to eat a lot of honey, which means eating a lot of fructose, which means putting a strain on your liver (since liver processes fructose) for no reason.

                      Artificial honey is no better or worse health-wise, it can just have a blander taste.

                      That being said, it is not that bad if you only use a bit, do everything in moderation and it isn't dangerous in bad, but honey is easy to overeat on if you aren't careful.

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                        Do we even have a good study on honey ? It's been exposed that a large portion of "honey" (sold as true honey) was in fact artificial honey (or completed by artificial honey).

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                        Riguma Borusu

                          Do we even have a good study on honey ? It's been exposed that a large portion of "honey" (sold as true honey) was in fact artificial honey.

                          The problem with honey is that the largest part of honey is just diluted sugar. Artificial honey has the same biological effect that real honey does. It has the same chemical makeup. However due to a different creation method you only figure this out when the honey starts crystalizing, and that's when you can figure out that the honey you are testing is in fact artificial.

                          There's literally no chemical difference between actual honey and artificial honey, you can make the same sugar proportions (honey IS sugar), and you can add pollen, vitamins and minerals. It's basically the same thing, which is why I kinda wonder why people are still making actual honey in 2017.

                          The problem with artificial honey is that people often don't care enough to make it as close as possible to the actual thing and they just toss pollen, minerals and vitamins into it in whatever proportions and expect it to taste the same. In my town there's a guy making artificial honey (and selling it as such), and it is basically indistinguishable from the real thing in every way (except for crystallization).

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                            no, the form of molecul is super important. (and thus the way you make is also)

                            for example, the prion disease, (the one from cow). Prion are something we have naturally in our brain, and play a very important role, but when it comes in contact to a "ill" prion it change form and copy the "ill's" one.

                            A more imaged way to see the important of the way you do thing :

                            Take flour, sugar, milk (same amount each time ofc), then either

                            1) Pour milk first and then flour and sugar
                            2) Pour flour and sugar (without mixing) then milk
                            3) Pour flour and sugar (mix it) then milk

                            The 3 of them are really difference in taste (spoiler alert, 1 and 2 are disgusting)

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                            Riguma Borusu

                              no, the form of molecul is super important.

                              Well, yeah, that's why it crystallizes differently and that's why it's mostly how it's detected as being artificial since the taste range of honey is way too big for you to notice a difference between a real honey and an artificial one, and a real honey and another type of real honey. Every time I have tasted artificial honey I just assumed it could be a different make of the same type of honey, because even when it is the same type, the taste can vary drastically.

                              But as far as biological effects go, if you try to imitate a type of honey as closely as possible, the effects are the same. That's because we're talking about sugar and there's a ton of leeway with it as far as processing it goes (the only meaningful exception being the % of fructose, because it's processed by the liver).

                              Things do get widely more complicated when it's proteins, since proteins can contain instructions to do a ton of different things in the body, and react in very unpredictable ways, hence why the prion disease is a thing and why eating a ton of soy can fuck up your hormonal balance. Simple sugars (which is what honey's sugars are digested into pretty effectively) have a way more predictable effect than something like isoflavones from soy, and even they aren't considered that problematic in most cases.

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                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Maple syrup. By far.
                                But they're quite expensive here


                                  mapple syrup is not as sweet as honey

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Proper honey is totally fine to eat. It has a lot of sugar yes, but its made by animals from plant extracts. Honey being unhealthy is like milk being unhealthy.

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      pretty sure if u drink too much milk u wont feel healthy at all

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        Anything excessive is not healthy at all

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          It's technically healthier to eat white sugar instead of honey, if you're eating the same amount of sugar, because honey has more fructose. But that's just a minor thing, though, a healthy organism doesn't need to care about this, only people who have liver problems and reeeeally love sweet stuff. There just aren't any real benefits to eating honey aside from the taste, which is why I said this. people get on the "omg its natural ofc its better" bandwagon easily. Maple syrup is kind of the same way.

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                                            milk is unhealthy, milk is produced by a cow to grow a calf by 3 time its size in 4 month.
                                            with a shitload of cow growth hormones, which you guessed right, messes with humans hormones.

                                            people with acne or other hormone inbalances usually see a big improvement after leaving dairy products out of their diet

                                            cow milk is by definition not meant for human consumption, thats why 70% of the worlds population is intolerant towards lactose.

                                            people on EU only adapted to it to a certain degree over thousands of years, that doesnt mean it isnt unhealthy.

                                            just because your mommy sais milk gives you strong bones doesnt mean its true little boi heh

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              people get on the "omg its natural ofc its better" bandwagon easily.

                                              pretty much


                                                i always find it so funny when people say im
                                                strange for not drinking milk or eating eggs...

                                                like yeah enjoy eating literally chicken menstruation
                                                gonna grab some tampons now, fry them and eat them yummy

                                                if i would drink mother milk of a female i would be a disgusting pervert, but drinking the same shit from an other species with literally feces in it is totally normal

                                                all of this is considered normal, but luckily humanity keeps evolving and so people start to question old habits

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                                                < blank >

                                                  was bisch du fĂŒr en vogel, kei mĂŒlch? jeses


                                                    ich bechum pickel uf de stirn alte

                                                    MÜLCH du huere puur lmao


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                                                    Story Time

                                                      why not both!? Also add a little of chili sause, u would be surprised how nice it is with pancakes

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        @Unhealable Damage [citations needed] most of what you wrote is either demonstrable nonsense or a naturalistic fallacy, or both.
                                                        I feel like you're either a vegan or just a deluded moron who has read too much stuff off sites that promote vegan banter.

                                                        You know what else is not natural? Averaging 60-80 year lifespans. Damn I yearn for the good old times when an average human being (including stillbirths and complications) would live up to the ripe old age of 30 year old.

                                                        Humanity needs to rethink a lot of its old habits, that's for sure, and we need to reduce our meat consumption more for the sake of the planet than for our own personal needs, but creating your personal ideology from questionable ideological sources is one of those things that we need to do away with (so people don't write shit like you just did).

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                                                        < blank >

                                                          people that avoid milk are not ripped

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            do you even understand simple biology? egg being chicken menstruation is PRECISELY why you should be eating it.

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              We have evolved to be able to digest milk. Let's stop eating milk because it's unnatural. Despite, you know, the fact that our guts have evolved specifically to be able to digest milk so it's perfectly normal for a lactose tolerant 21st century human to digest milk, so it's not unnatural in any way.

                                                              You know what's unnatural? Using computers in general, but also using computers to post anti-scientific banter. It's actually highly ironic.

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                                                                have you tried avoiding dairy product for 1-2 weeks? no

                                                                so how do you know if you would feel better?

                                                                i mean you could google what the president of the american college of cardiology has to say about dairyconsumption and its links to heart diseases, but i guess thats anti-scientific right.

                                                                long time studies not affected by lobbiests conducted by well known scientists? anti-scientific

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  Do you eat grains unhealable damage? Cus all grains have been bio engineered out of their natural state. Same with vegetables. Do you really think cucumbers and apples just grew into edible forms that way without constant manipulation over generations? If you want to go back to caveman times you're pretty much only eating wild meat and wild animal eggs and maybe some wild berries.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Also maple syrup is fine flavor wise but it's usually pretty thin. I actually prefer regular table syrup which in the us is mostly flavored corn syrup. Sounds disgusting I know but it tastes fine on pancakes.

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      have you tried avoiding dairy product for 1-2 weeks? no

                                                                      Don't assume shit like that. I have not been specifically avoiding diary products, but I have been in situations where I simply did not eat them for prolonged periods of time. No change, whatsoever. And I should not be expecting any change.

                                                                      so how do you know if you would feel better?

                                                                      I am not a lab rat, so I see no need to experiment on myself. I trust the scientific foundations the modern world has been built upon. So far they have been proven to be not absolutely reliable, but more reliable than literally every quack, conspiracy theory, anecdote and religion.

                                                                      i mean you could google what the president of the american college of cardiology has to say about dairyconsumption and its links to heart diseases, but i guess thats anti-scientific right.

                                                                      I can also find a geologist who believes that the earth is 6000 years old. That's not how scientific research works. Experts can say whatever they want, but they need to supplement their claims with proper high quality data to even be considered. Peers need to agree that the study is not bullshit. That's what makes science robust, after all, and not "yo man google what this guy said about this, it's absolute truth!". Science is a lot more complicated than that. I don't care what someone says. I care about what they can prove with hard data.

                                                                      long time studies not affected by lobbiests conducted by well known scientists? anti-scientific

                                                                      Ah, the good old "all studies I disagree with are lobbied for despite people unanonymously agreeing with them with or without affiliations yet this one person here says something I like so they must be right" ploy. It is more likely that the entire scientific community is bought, than that one guy is full of shit (maybe he is the one who was paid money to say that, how do you know he was not? in the end it does not even matter because what matters is evidence and if you forge it you are in deeeeeeeep trouble)

                                                                      Jesus. Yes, that's absolutely unscientific.

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