General Discussion

General DiscussionPangolier meta

Pangolier meta in General Discussion
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    I think this hero's going to wreck some shit this patch.
    Pretty fucking broken and imbalanced, almost MK-on-release level of strong.


      Not kek but TOPkek.
      I would rate 10/10

      Riguma Borusu

        has dota 2 ever had a hero be so weak on release?

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          I think running him safelane core is a neat idea this patch.

          Dark Hunter

            Idk man. havent seen that guy do much in games. might just be cuz i'm 1k and trash, but i've watched some "pro" players mess around with him and non of them felt like he was insanly strong. I feel like Dark Willow has a lot more potential.

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              Rolling thunder


                This is probably the worst hero that was ever released. He needs big buffs to be called "good", not to mention OP.

                Justin Weaver

                  No way close to what MK was


                    What? People stomping on this hero because most of the enemy team do not know what Pangolier ability can do and stuff.

                    He's weak and needs a buff of some sort.

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                      He can roll, you dipshits.
                      Best hero. Best core.


                        his winrate is sub 40%
                        how does he even approach good?
                        the only build i can see is some sort of radiance build that focuses on shield crash cuz its his only good ability

                        Riguma Borusu

                          when are people going to realize that he is not a fucking carry and at best he is a really really bad brewmaster/et/underlord hybrid

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                            look at his 1st skill.It jumping around with 5 scd cooldown with 4 hit every cast.Combine it with u can burn 200 mana per cast,rip wk
                            And his 3rd skill break armor and 30% slow in lvl 1.So he can played to be roamer too.And 2nd skill actually ursa enrage with nuke..and more duration

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                            Riguma Borusu

                              look at his 1st skill.It jumping around with 5 scd cooldown with 4 hit every cast.Combine it with u can burn 200 mana per cast,rip wk

                              or you can pick PL and do the same thing without expending anything

                              And his 3rd skill break armor and 30% slow in lvl 1.

                              Which would be amazing if it had any sort of reliability or he could deal any damage, or actually deal with the harassment from creeps/heroes in the lane he's trying to bully.

                              So he can played to be roamer too.

                              Real roamers have useful spells at level 1, making him, morphling and a fuckton of other heroes terrible roamers. Also reducing people's armor to 0 (having to hit them 8 times to do it) is mindless in the early game, it will take too much time to build this up at level 1, and reducing 5 or 3 armor to 0 for a short period of time does not do anything. You need levels on this hero and even then he doesn't do anything.

                              And 2nd skill actually ursa enrage with nuke..and more duration

                              And no damage followup. This is only comparable to ursa's enrage if enrage also disarmed him. Because this hero, again, doesn't deal any damage. There is literally nothing this hero does better than any other hero in the game, ember can abuse procs better with sleight of fist, et has a more useful skillset while removing (well, BASE) armor, there are heroes that can disable other heroes in a reliable fashion (which his rolling shit isn't), and there's visage, tidehunter and underlord if you want damage negation of some sort (or even something like terrorblade if you are primarily dealing with physical damage).

                              The thing is, this hero is shit at all the things he does, there are heroes that do parts of what he does, but way better and with more synergy.

                              If he could transfer his damage reduction to a teammate he'd be okay-ish. If his rolling boulder shit wasn't so annoying to use and impossible to control, he might have some situational utility. If heartpiercer was either more reliable or he had actual ways to deal damage after he procs it he could be a core, he doesn't have an useful level 1 skill so he's a shit roamer, and he can't lane support to save his life.

                              He literally doesn't have a position in this game, while dark willow can be played in all three lanes and can roam on top of that (but she's shit as pos 5 and might not be a good offlaner in most games).

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                                ur wrong im sure


                                  nah ur just dumb im sure

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                                    Pangolier is the new broken meta carry.

                                    look at his 1st skill.It jumping around with 5 scd cooldown with 4 hit every cast.Combine it with u can burn 200 mana per cast,rip wk
                                    And his 3rd skill break armor and 30% slow in lvl 1.So he can played to be roamer too.And 2nd skill actually ursa enrage with nuke..and more duration

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                                        And Pangolier is team Anti-Desolator too 😂


                                          look at his WINRATE


                                            I'm quite sure OP is trolling, nobody can be this retarded

                                            Goth BF

                                              I wasn't convince that pangolier is below mediocre at first. But then I read RPQ-sama arguments, he/she is right tho.


                                                I saw a game where a 9k pangolier go 11-0 in a 7k match with radiance build.
                                                If you play pangolier like he did pangolier is fine. Certainly not underpowered.



                                                  HE IS THE WORST HERO IN DOTA.



                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      i feel like when people ditch the idea this hero is a carry and start getting blinks + utility/disable items he will be revealed to be a pretty ok hero

                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                        His skillset is messed up
                                                        Q and E are right-click scaling
                                                        W and R has nothing to do with his right click
                                                        Then he rolls for the whole fight and can't use his auto atk unless he Halt! the roll


                                                          I played yestarday against this hero with Pa. His spells are very ez to dodge. He doesnt feel very strong tbh. His ultimate is a joke and does nothing.

                                                          But the other new support is crazy. Very nice hero, me like it altough I didnt play it yet. He just lacks an instant stun but is a very good teamfighting hero.


                                                            Worst hero so far

                                                            Justin Weaver

                                                              With a six slotted Sven u can kill him through his ult with bkb ofcourse


                                                                is there a thing a 6slotted bkb'd ulted sven cant kill? :thinking:


                                                                  ^mk with armor ulti talent

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    is there a thing a 6slotted bkb'd ulted sven cant kill?

                                                                    have you heard of our lord and savior, medusa?

                                                                    oh and sven can't kill anyone on a team with bane on it


                                                                      hero is trash xd

                                                                      only DW is good


                                                                        his Q doesn't scale tho

                                                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                                                          look at his 1st skill.It jumping around with 5 scd cooldown with 4 hit every cast.Combine it with u can burn 200 mana per cast,rip wk
                                                                          And his 3rd skill break armor and 30% slow in lvl 1.So he can played to be roamer too.And 2nd skill actually ursa enrage with nuke..and more duration

                                                                          Nervous Bakedown

                                                                            This hero is like Earth Spirit, but way worse upon release. He has a ton of potential to do good, but i think you pretty much have to play this hero and only this hero in order to make it useful.

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                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              he is completely unlike earth spirit, you can use the hero with surgical accuracy in the case of earth spirit, pangolier is basically out of control with his ultimate

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                                                                                Out of control getting rampage after rampage.


                                                                                  His 3rd skill are really weak.Not really a stomping hero


                                                                                    ^Techinal difficulty

                                                                                    U copying my argument before,even the dot

                                                                                    Player 215168758

                                                                                      I've just tried the hero, its complete garbage


                                                                                        look at his 1st skill.It jumping around with 5 scd cooldown with 4 hit every cast.Combine it with u can burn 200 mana per cast,rip wk
                                                                                        And his 3rd skill break armor and 30% slow in lvl 1.So he can played to be roamer too.And 2nd skill actually ursa enrage with nuke..and more duration

                                                                                        Friendly player

                                                                                          Well i think its a good hero but needs practice, its not a very good "initiator" if you're not carrying. But its one of the carries that are very good at chasing.


                                                                                            better play him like an offlNER build rAdience blink or another intiation tool like shivas as u can initiate and use itm with ur ult for a carry may look good on paper but i think there are many better options out there definetly not a trash hero there is a pottential but not as good as or near to that dark willow or mk or even underlord


                                                                                              Hero has no damage output for him to be even close to a carry.
                                                                                              Bad hero design

                                                                                              ㄚ- 天照`

                                                                                                look at his 1st skill.It jumping around with 5 scd cooldown with 4 hit every cast.Combine it with u can burn 200 mana per cast,rip wk
                                                                                                And his 3rd skill break armor and 30% slow in lvl 1.So he can played to be roamer too.And 2nd skill actually ursa enrage with nuke..and more duration


                                                                                                  Play this hero as roamer!