General Discussion

General DiscussionHard hero that is worth it

Hard hero that is worth it in General Discussion
Player 153433446

    Wanna learn a difficult hero that can stomp...fitting to increase my mmr.
    Which of the following is worth learning in 4k?

    Arc Warden

    Got my eyes set on arc, was gonna practice visage, but got nerfed.




        brew isnt difficult though

        Potato Marshal

          Don't go for the hard hero meme, the trick is to play braindead easy heroes like lich


            Brew isnt difficult, try buying aghs... On the other hand, arc and meepo can solo carry the game


              Depends on avg. mmr.

              Meepo is good for grinding in all brackets. Chen is even better but in 4.5k + games.

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                meepo is the only difficult hero on the list and hes probably the best to learn


                  ^chen>meepo in terms of difficulty, arguably arc is more difficult too as said by cuki-sama


                    i just don't understand how people are too stupid to understand that it's not the hero that defines your mmr

                    they think spamming will give them mmr magically


                      just spam heroes you comfortable with, that'll increase your mmr magically


                        Magnus, winter weavern.

                        Above all i think hardest for me is to play if enemy has really good phoenix, even when i spamm my best heroes, games are really hard.

                        Fuka suginai o nīchan

                          Even handling the most difficult hero wont help you if you dont understand the game process.


                            I would really recommend Meepo. I find him really fun TBH

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              You should like the hero.
                              Difficulty doesn't matter.
                              If you're gonna spam something just for the sake of it being good after you play it 100+ times, you'll drop it halfway through 90% or gonna feel dissatisfied.

                              And btw, it's far easier to get a great understanding of something like Lich/Wraith King/Viper and grind very same matchmaking points.
                              Remember, you don't get money for grinding dotes, neither are you somehow obliged to play heroes you find boring.
                              Playing a "difficult" hero != winning games.
                              Understanding the game and understanding the hero you play (independently of being easy/hard/difficult) better than your enemy does = winning games.

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                              chicken spook,,,,

                                i just don't understand how people are too stupid to understand that it's not the hero that defines your mmr
                                they think spamming will give them mmr magically



                                  every hero is hard :) you just need to learn from it adopt every team mates and game plays strategy, even u play hard enough but you don't have teamwork that's how hard hero inserted :) like playing meepo if u don't have a good team mates you can't play it well vice versa for the other heroes :)


                                    Or, maybe this isn't abt MMR cuz it was fucking never mentioned by OP, and he just wants to learn a hard hero cuz it sounds cool

                                    For me it's invoker


                                      ember spirit, sf, invoker, templar asassins and other early game is the best to train for hard heroes :)


                                        Pick heroes that is lacking in your team in short pick what is needed and learn how to counter pick. Ez MMR just be positive


                                          play braindead easy heroes like lich and focus the extra energy on improving awareness and other aspects

                                          Player 153433446

                                            Thx, ik spamming one hero isnt good and i must fill the gaps, i know its isnt only the hero but decision makin too.ik ez heroes can work.
                                            Didnt ask for all dat, but thx

                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                              Spamming one hero is good, but it doesn't really matter whether the hero's difficult.
                                              There are no "gaps".

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                                                wraith king


                                                  learning invoker actually feels so satisfying
                                                  its fucking ADDICTING
                                                  and i win with it
                                                  if this is for climbing find a hero for u, if its for fun and lolz id recommend invoker, just dont ruin ranked matches with it till u have a 50% winrate and at LEAST 20-25 games imo
                                                  maybe more

                                                  Player 153433446

                                                    ^^i have 200, had my fun, dont like him much anymore


                                                      How can you learn hard hero when u are 4k ?

                                                      yung griphook

                                                        probably better to spam a hero you enjoy and get good at them rather than a hero you think has a high skill cap but will take u 300 games to not feed on him.

                                                        e.g. attacker kunkka, arise magnus, etc. These guys are so good at their perspective heroes that matchups and meta dont matter

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                                                          Play a weak an unusual hero as offlaner. Your team will blame you for the Pick, call gg blame you. You will feed for a while.

                                                          Once you manage to go even Out of the laning stage and feel like you do Things start picking serious offline heroes and spam that position.
                                                          You will get 1k mmr in 200 games at that stage

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Pick a couple for each role, just like normal players pick a hero pool of 5-6 so they can play carry, offlane or support as needed.

                                                            Carry - meepo, arc
                                                            Mid - invoker, ember
                                                            Offlane - invoker, brood?, beastmaster
                                                            Support - io, chen, visage

                                                            Some of these aren't really hard though, just naming some that fit roles.


                                                              offlane invoker ??????????


                                                                tiny is probably the hardest but gets big after some time and even harder

                                                                зачем я начал поиск

                                                                  I swear I could've already made a group with hilarious suggestions from this forum.

                                                                  yung griphook

                                                                    Carry - Mirana
                                                                    Mid - Mirana
                                                                    Offlane - Mirana
                                                                    Support - Mirana


                                                                      No one mentioned earth spirit??? Omg this forum

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        tons of people in 3k play offlane invoker, it's really not that bad, you have tons of utility to escape, regen, dmg.


                                                                          i just don't understand how people are too stupid to understand that it's not the hero that defines your mmr
                                                                          they think spamming will give them mmr magically


                                                                            invoker offlane lmao is dotabuff filled with 2ks and 3ks like reddit ? get me out


                                                                              Lone Druid etc


                                                                                u mean the one countered by a dust?
                                                                                quas regen is nothing lvl 1, he is slow, low armor, cant trade with anyone until he already has levels, cant afford to be zoned out of xp range, cant jungle early
                                                                                there is almost nothing that makes offlane invoker remotely viable


                                                                                  If you really feel like spamming one of those three heroes, right now Brewmaster is a pretty good hero to practice with offlane. However, if you have trouble using the spirit splits, then I would recommend doing it in solo practice for a bit before you use him.

                                                                                  As for the other general advice given, I agree that you should probably focus and play the heroes that you enjoy playing and the role that you feel comfortable/satisfied with. A lot of the games seem to come down to just good decision making in pub games since picks/counters feel like they matter less than a pro game.

                                                                                  So if you have good map awareness, communicate with your teammates, and work together, I think you can consistently climb MMR at a good rate.

                                                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                                                    no one mention huskar?

                                                                                    its rare to see last pick surpise huskar in any mmr pubs unranked or ranked
                                                                                    if you master the hero and pick the hero in fitting line up. its an easy win like seriously its fucking easy