General Discussion

General Discussionbest carries/mids to 1st pick?

best carries/mids to 1st pick? in General Discussion


    ichiban, lipstick for men

      Jugg/Mirana aren't really hard countered by anything


        invoker is ight


          razor is good


            dusa isn't a great first pick, there are just a couple of heroes that are just huge counters that can jsut ruin a medusa pick. If you want an example go look at the mid or feed navi series in midas mode. Good first pick heroes are ones that don't have any extremely hard counters. These tend to be lane stompers, things like razor or viper, or just hard to kill heroes like mirana or qop.

            chicken spook,,,,

              Definitely jugg


                medusa is one of the strongest last pick of the patch in pub. Still uber shit against the like of nyx and invoker.

                In uncoordinated environnement, it's also pretty bad against am.

                Brood is clearly broken this patch, despite the nerf, and you can pick anylane for her, as long as you are solo.

                This comment was edited
                Fuck SJWs!!!!!

                  am or medusa if you ban am


                    why would you pick carry first when you can't see enemy offaner, supp or mid. just w8 and pick something that can win game with 4th or 5th pick.

                    ЕМ УКРОП

                      if u picked dusa u just ban nyx
                      am not countrpick dusa.



                        chicken spook,,,,

                          AM isn't exactly braindead but he's alright


                            Once saw a brood game where the guy first picked then played vs like 3 “counters” and ended up doing a 22 min stomp. He was against shit like ES, Sven and shit, he was a spammer though and didn’t really care








                                    IM NOT THAT DEPERATE FOR MMR TO PICK PUDGE


                                      What do you mean? Pudge is fun, easy, and a decent hero to grind MMR with in the 3-4k mmr range.
                                      So long as you play him correctly, you will roflstomp.

                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                        don't first pick core

                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                          Troll and DK



                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              I'd rather have pudge than mirana in my team any day


                                                If you're first picking core, it better be offlane. 1st pick mids/carries will be, or at have the possibility to be, counterpicked hard. Even those heroes without "hard counters", still have counters, and as much as possible you'd like to avoid those heroes(unless you're a smurf who can ROFLstomp with Meepo/Brood despite 4 dedicated counters or something like that)
                                                My personal favorite is running BS/Razor mid against a first pick voker

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Pugna is still very good imo, alomg with DK and maybe lycan too


                                                    Your shitty playstyle juggernaut will bow down before my axe

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      Dk gets countered hard by viper now with constant break and magic dmg. Also silencer and od since they’re all pure dmg


                                                        Injoker. Though he is kinda weak af early but when he gets level he snowballs really hard and cant be countered(if youre a good voker ofcourse)


                                                          Invoker is such a retarded first pick
                                                          They just pick any lane dominator and eat ur lunch


                                                            toxic kid firstpicking mid


                                                              definitely not AM or spectre (see my games). jugg seems to be working tho


                                                                definitely not AM or spectre (see my games). jugg seems to be working tho

                                                                i had 15 winstreak first picking am :wink:


                                                                  Bloodseeker, Jugg, Razor, Mirana are all jusifiable first picks.

                                                                  Mabye Void, too.


                                                                    stuff that doesnt have a rlly HUGE counter


                                                                      ck pretty gud

                                                                      kunst 2

                                                                        Dusa is legit worst first pick carry, are you kidding


                                                                          I feel that there isn't a true first pick material for mid. I find more versatility in terms of laning to be more apt, which to me is more of a surprise mid hero.

                                                                          That said, jugg, viper, necro, ursa and maybe silencer might be a good opener for a draft.

                                                                          kunst 2

                                                                            Check for heroes without any real counter picks, like bloodseeker maybe


                                                                              Invoker good first pick material. Because mid not really important anymore u just survive with 3 ganker in mid when your hard carry win the game for you.

                                                                              I wish q-w build is back tho

                                                                              зачем я начал поиск

                                                                                >your hard carry win the game for you
                                                                                But you're supposed to pick a hero to win a game for yourself in solo queue...