Manhandle and be smart aggressive both OD and Sniper.
Huskar you can't. Well.. it you two will probably both end up dying
1. Deny creeps. Even stealing 10 dmg from them is enough to deny and cs everything.
2. MoM is really good on razor. As a hard carry u could go wand aquila phqse MoM sny then bkb or aghs
Aghs is really powerful with ur lvl 20 talent.
Shiva/ac is good
Skadi is good
Butterfly is good
How you deal with od constant astral? Huskar can run in your face even if you steal abit dmg. I think its still hard to steal sniper dmg especially in mid lane with shrapnel (same as pre 707 though).
Satanic in place of skadi? Bloodthorn/nullifier in place of butterfly?
What item is better mealstorm or deso?
Depends from wich hero you use.
Can you explain what hero you'r asking for pls?
Od would have to run in your face to astral you. If you cant react to that in time, you should quit mid. Lvl 1 shrapnel does jack shit, lvl 1 huskar does jack shit, you should terribly outlevel them by denying creeps. Implying you get all denies and they get none, you will get 125% xp while they get 25%
In a scenario where you drain od dmg and he astrals you, you'll still drain his dmg so he will maybe get a cs with astral dmg which also slightly pushes in the lane giving you perfect control over the lane
you steal damage, and outcs them.
if you failed, then the other guy is better than you and it's not the hero's fault.
against huskar make sure to carry plenty of regen.
If ur pos 2, wouldnt it be better to go phase wand aquila drums BM shiva and just fight like crazy
MoM razor is actually legit, i just wudnt get it against rlly heavy physical like pa or ta or smth
number one, u do fine against od until midgame, lane is fine
u shit on viper early
u shit on huskar early but not midgame
sniper is annoying
dude hasnt even hit double digit kills with razor so his little blue star means dog shit
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How do you deal with od / sniper / viper / huskar in 1v1 nowadays?
In all 3 lanes?
Side question? Optimal build for pos1 razor when your team has zero hardcarry?